Page 4 of A Sky Full Of Stars
Chapter Two
The pulse of the music permeates the air, making it impossible to focus. I have seven days to perfect this routine, and I needeveryspare second I’ve got.
Someone turns up the volume and the floor vibrates beneath my feet, making me bite back a scream. Though God only knows why I bother, considering no one will hear me.
No one ever hears me.
An instrumental version of a-ha’s “Take On Me” plays through my portable speakers, but no matter how loud I turn it up, I can’t compete. It’s pointless. Instead, I’ve got the constant flow of techno shit invading my mind, making me want to repel all upbeat music.
Hard to do when your brother throws parties like this every other weekend.
Hitting pause on my phone, I fall back on my bed, letting my legs dangle over the edge. Staring up at the ceiling, I watch the light shake as the song hits its crescendo before shoving the pillow over my face to drown out the sound.
Living in my own personal hell.
It’s bad enough that I’m here on New Year’s Eve, but now I have to fight for what I want ringing in my ears?
After a deep breath, I kick my legs a couple of times and stifle another scream, one that was sure to contain a million expletives. And after giving up all hope of getting any decentpractice in, I remove my shoes and massage my arches, groaning as my fingers dig into the soles. This is the third time this month my parents have allowed “Golden Boy” to throw a party, pretending not to notice the garbage cans full of alcohol bottles the next day.
There’s no way anyone could concentrate during this invasion, and yet, if I was to step foot out of this fortress they call my bedroom, I’d be scolded for my lack of discipline. For deviating away from “the plan.”
I love Luke—we have a great relationship—but he’s clueless about what’s really going on in my life.And sometimes I wonder if my parents are the same.
Luke has a one-track mind set to football and college, and why wouldn’t he? He’s following his dream—something my parents are always reminding me of. So, what am I doing?
Pulling the pillow tight around my ears, I try to sleep. Or at least, rest my body since I’ve been pushing myself to the limit the last few days.
But no matter what I do, I’m mentally restless.
Every time I think about my future, or picture myself up on stage, smiling as people applaud me…it doesn’t sit right. An image that once gave me joyous butterflies now fills me with dread. I want to be ready. My teachers tell me I’m ready. But there’s this nagging feeling deep within me that’s screaming, telling me that something is wrong. That I should get out now before it’s too late.But too late for what?
The music stops suddenly, and my heart jumps as I move the pillow away.Is it done? Am I about to be blessed with peace?A relieved smile tugs at my lips until I hear the countdown to midnight, my eyes flashing to my clock to confirm.Goddammit.
3, 2, 1…
Happy New Year to me.
Burying myself under the comforter, I accept the inevitable sing-along to the music and pray that exhaustion lulls me asleep.
And it must, because sometime later, I wake with a start, the sound of a slamming door entering my subconscious. I roll over in the darkness, certain I imagined it, until the silhouette of a figure comes into view. A male. He leans against the door with his forehead pressed to the wood, his broad shoulders hunched over. As my eyes adjust to the lack of light, it’s hard to miss the way his dark tee clings to his body, or the tension in his arms as he clenches his hands by his sides. My heart races as I silently watch him, holding my breath as if breathing will draw his attention, even though it’s so loud in here, I can’t think.
The guy doesn’t move for an excruciatingly long minute, so I sit up, holding the sheet in front of me, keeping my pajama-clad body from view.
When he finally turns, he startles, doing some kind of double take as his eyes bounce around the room before settling on the bed. Settling on me. And my heart fires.
It’s Thomas.
My brother’s friend. The guy I’ve had a crush on since I knew what crushes were.
And he’s in my room.
He stares at me for the longest moment before turning his gaze away, and I wish I could say I had the decency to do the same…but I don’t.
Thomas Kelly is in my room.
I have to talk to him. “Are you okay?” I ask, because there’s clearly something wrong.