Page 63 of Kindred Spirit
“All the more reason to enjoy the experience,” Mildred chimes in, smiling over at Callie before mouthing a silent, “Thank you,” to me.
Shrugging, I mouth back, “No problem.”
When they leave, my grandmother looks up from her notes to glare at us. “Why are you still here? I have work to do.”
My mother smiles sweetly. “You’re always such a pleasure, Mother.”
“Sarcasm is unbecoming,” she chastises, flicks her hand in dismissal, and then gets back to her work, making notations on the various documents on her desk.
My father wraps an arm around my shoulder and leads us out of the room, while my mother follows closely behind with my walker in case I need to sit down at a moment’s notice. Now that I know it’s temporary, I hate it a little less.
As we walk down the hall, my father states, “Once you’re better, I think it’s time for a family vacation anywhere you want to go.”
“I think that’s a lovely idea,” my mother agrees, her voice bright with joy.
“Can I bring Callie and the guys?” I ask, flashing a pleading expression with puppy eyes. “They are basically family at this point.”
Sighing, my father gives me an exaggerated put upon face that fools no one. “Not exactly what I had in mind, but I guess it’s alright.”
“Does that include James?” my mother asks, amusement coloring her words. “I have noticed you two getting quite close again since the accident.”
“Yes,” I reply, already knowing where this is heading. “And before you ask, we’re just friends.”
“If I recall correctly,” she muses, her teasing smile audible, “that’s what you said about our dear Callie when she was first introduced to us.”
“Just because your mother and I are romantically monogamous, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with being involved with more than one person,” my father interjects, and I try not to think about how he’s so specific about what kind of monogamy they practice. “As long as everyone involved is aware and consenting.”
“Thank you for the relationship advice,” I grumble, though part of me is enjoying this. It’s nice to see them back to their old nosy selves, instead of the worried melancholy they’ve projected for the last few months.
“I’ve also noticed Donovan is around more frequently,” my mother comments with false innocence.
“Mother,” I groan, dragging my hand down my face. “Donovan is Donovan. He isn’t really a labels kind of guy. He’s there. He cares. That’s all that matters. Besides, I’m dating Callie. She’s more than enough to fill my romantic needs.”
“Alright. Alright,” she concedes and then laughs. It’s a beautiful, melodious sound that I’ve missed.
When we enter the grand foyer, a teary-eyed Margaret, the family housekeeper, stands in the center of the room with a wobbly smile on her face.
My mother immediately races over to hug the older woman. “Are you alright?”
She sniffs and dabs at her eyes. “Yes, yes of course. These are happy tears. It’s been so long since I’ve heard the three of you laughing and making plans. It warms my heart.”
“That’s because we have excellent news.” My father beams, squeezing my shoulders. “Nolan is recovering. Soon, he’ll be back to his old self.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” she cheers, clapping her hands together. “I can’t wait to tell Alicia. We’ve both been so worried. I’m sure she’ll want to make something extravagant this evening to celebrate.” She scurries over to me and grabs my hands, giving them a loving squeeze. “I’m so happy. Now off to bed with you for your nap. I’ll bring up some hearty soup for lunch. It’ll help put some meat back on your bones.”
“Any chance I can also get a slice of Alicia’s mixed berry tart?” I ask, knowing how happy it will make her that I’m asking for more food. My appetite hasn’t been the best as of late.
She gives me a wink. “I think I can rustle up a slice.”
“You’re the best,” I praise, dropping a quick kiss on her rosy cheek.
She beams up at me and then shoos us away before scurrying off to tell Alicia, her wife and our family cook, the good news.
By the time we reach the elevator, I’m tired and have to sit back down on my walker. I remind myself that it’s only temporary, and for once, I let hope begin to take root. Soon, I’ll be healthy and free from the last remaining hold Gina has on me—all because I dared to love another witch.
Chapter 14