Page 114 of Undeniably His
He rested his hand on her hip and kneaded the flesh. “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” she said. “Make love to me, Luke. Please.”
She was suddenly on the verge of tears. This would be the last night she would spend in the arms of the man she loved, and she fought back the wave of depression. She wouldn’t spend this last night feeling sorry for herself. She would enjoy her final night with Luke and not let herself dwell on the future.
She kissed him hard on the mouth. “I want you.”
“I want you too, sweet Jane.” He pushed her onto her back, and as his mouth began a slow path of kisses down her body, she closed her eyes and concentrated on nothing but how good he made her feel.
* * *
“Wake up, Jane.” Luke kissed the back of Jane’s shoulder.
She rolled over to face him and smiled in the dim light. “I’m not sleeping.”
“You should be, it’s early.”
She glanced at the alarm clock. “Why are you awake so early?”
He didn’t want to tell her he had been awake all night. This was his last night with Jane, and sleep had eluded him because of it. He rubbed her hip. “I need to leave early. I didn’t bring work clothes with me.”
She gave him a small smile. “Right, of course. Thank you for spending the night with me, Luke. Thank you for everything.”
He kissed her gently. “Thank you. I enjoyed our time together.”
“I did too.”
He waited for her to tell him she didn’t want it to end, but he was being an idiot. They couldn’t keep sleeping together. He didn’t want to be known as the boss who banged his secretary, and it wasn’t like she would quit so they could have a relationship. It was apparent that most of her paycheque went to Mama J’s care. She needed the money, and he couldn’t blame her for that.
So, transfer her back to Mark’s department at her current pay. Problem solved.
His mouth gaped open. Holy shit – could it be that simple?
“Luke? What’s wrong?”
He stared at her and blurted, “You don’t need to work for me.”
“You don’t need to work for me,” he repeated.
She froze, and a look of fear crossed her face. “Are you firing me?”
“What? No, of course not.” He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. “But you could transfer back to finance. You could work in Mark’s department again, and then we could -”
He stopped abruptly, and she said, “We could what?”
“Date.” He had almost blurted out that they could get married. Fuck, what was wrong with him?
“You want to date me?” she said.
“Yes,” he said. “I do. There’s no policy on inter-office dating, and I get that people will talk if we date, even if I’m not your direct boss, but I don’t care what they say. Do you?”
He hurried on before she could reply. “I know you need your current wage to care for Mama J, and I understand that. But you could transfer back to Mark’s department at your current wage.”
“I was a data entry clerk. They don’t make that much,” she said.
“I’ll talk to Mark about it,” Luke said. “You’re intelligent and a fast learner. You could learn to do more than data entry.”