Page 12 of Undeniably His
“Good, I think,” Jane said. “It’s only my second day, though.”
“I’m sure you’re doing very well. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your lunch,” the woman replied.
“That’s okay,” Jane said. “I was just having a quick bite to eat at my desk. It’s busy today.”
The woman placed the potted plant she was holding onto Jane’s desk. “I brought you this as a ‘welcome to the thirty-seventh floor’ gift.”
“Thank you so much. It’s beautiful,” Jane replied.
“Ms. Smith, I need that letter!”
She jumped up at Mr. Dawson’s voice and snatched the letter from the printer. “Please excuse me.”
She hurried into his office and placed the letter on his desk, chewing worriedly at her bottom lip as he scanned it. He signed it and handed it back to her.
“It looks good. Can you add it to the package for the lawyer and run it over to them? Their office is about three blocks away on 105th.”
“Yes, Mr. Dawson.”
“Also, stop at the deli on the corner and pick me up some lunch. Thai soup, turkey sandwich with no cranberry and extra mayo.”
“Of course. Do you have a tab there or…”
She hoped he wouldn’t ask her to buy it for him and expense it.
“Use the petty cash in the bottom drawer of your desk. Remember to put the receipt in.”
“Yes, Mr. Dawson.”
He finally glanced up at her. “When you’re back, I’ll need you to finish the document for… Amy? What can I do for you?”
Jane’s eyes widened as she turned and stared speechlessly at the woman who had saved her the day of the interview.
“Hey, Luke. Just popped by to say hello.” Amy held out her hand to Jane. “We haven’t formally met yet. I’m Amy Dawson.”
Jane shook her hand as dismay filled her body. She had asked the head designer for the company to fetch her a stapler. The woman responsible for creating the clothing lines of the huge and impressive company Jane worked for had stuck her hands up her skirt and then watched her cry in the hallway. “You – you’re Amy Dawson?”
“I am,” Amy said.
“I’m so sorry,” Jane mumbled.
“For what?”
“I – I didn’t know who you were earlier. I never should have asked you to get a stapler for me.”
She gave Amy a look of panic before glancing at Luke. He stared at them, and Jane flushed before hurrying toward the door. “I’ll take this to the lawyer and get your lunch, Mr. Dawson. It - it was nice to meet you, Ms. Dawson.”
“Call me Amy,” Amy called after her.
* * *
Amy smiled at Luke. “How’s it going?”
“She asked you to get her a stapler?” Luke said.
“Long story.” Before sinking into a chair, Amy checked to see that Jane wasn’t at her desk. “So, how’s she doing?”
“Fine.” Luke studied the spreadsheet on his computer screen.