Page 120 of Undeniably His
“I’m her boyfriend,” Luke snapped.
“Luke, hush,” Jane said.
He gave her a confused look as a grin crossed Jeremy’s face. “You know the rules, Jane.”
“I’m sorry,” Jane said. “I didn’t tell him, and he -”
“Not my problem,” Jeremy said. “You’re fired. Get the fuck out of here.”
“Jeremy!” Jane gave him a desperate look, but Luke tightened his grip around her when she tried to wiggle free. “Please, let me explain.”
Jeremy shook his head. “No. Shelly, get your fat ass over here.”
“What you want?” The chunky Asian woman who strolled over from behind the bar glared at him. She was missing her front teeth, and the overwhelming smell of tuna hung over her like a thick cloud.
“Get Jane’s things from her locker and bring him out. And move your fucking ass for once, would you?”
She shuffled off as Jane said, “Jeremy, please. I need this job. You know I do.”
“Then you shouldn’t have let your boyfriend come in here and start punching my paying customers,” Jeremy drawled.
Jane glanced at Luke. “Luke will apologize to the customer and buy him and his friends a round of drinks. Okay?”
“No, I won’t,” Luke said.
“Luke!” Jane gave him a desperate look that he studiously ignored. As far as he was concerned, Jane being fired from this hellhole was a good thing.
“Here’s your stuff.” Shelly had returned, shoving Jane’s coat and bag at her before belching loudly. The scent of tuna mixed with beer wafted over them, and Mark grunted with disgust.
“Jesus,” he muttered as Shelly grinned at him, revealing the gaping hole where her teeth should have been.
“You want a private dance, sexy?”
“Get lost, fat ass,” Jeremy said dismissively.
Shelly flipped him the bird before wandering away. Jeremy rolled his eyes before pointing at the door. “Get out, Jane. You can pick up your final paycheque on Friday.”
“Get out. Tony, walk them to the door.”
“Let’s go, Jane.” Luke kept his arm around Jane’s waist as they followed Tony to the door. The big man opened the door, and Luke ushered Jane into the cold.
“Janie?” Tony touched her arm, and Jane pulled free of Luke and let the big man pick her up and hug her. “I’m sorry, girl. I’m going to miss you.”
“Thanks, Tony. I’ll miss you too. I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Yeah. Candy’s having her birthday party next month. You’ll be at that, right?”
Jane nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
Tony kissed her cheek and set her on her feet before staring at Luke. “Take care of my girl, dickhead.”
Luke didn’t reply, and Tony grinned at him before returning to the club. Mark rubbed his hand over his forehead.
“Christ, that was a fuck up.”
Jane tugged her jacket on and picked up her bag before walking away.