Page 43 of Undeniably His
She spread her legs with an eagerness that embarrassed her. Luke’s hand slipped between her legs, and she moaned when he rubbed at her clit. She bucked her hips against his hand, and his soft groan of approval made her shudder all over.
“Such a pretty pussy,” he said before kissing her neck. “So wet and,” he pushed one thick finger into her pussy, “tight.”
She thrust her hips against his hand as he rubbed her clit with his thumb. “After you come, I’m going to take you back to my bedroom,” he whispered hotly into your ear. “You’re going to lie on your back in my bed and spread your legs so I can fuck you. Do you understand, Ms. Smith?”
“Yes,” she whimpered as pleasure filled her entire body.
“Say it,” he demanded.
“I – I’m going to spread my legs and let you fuck me,” she moaned.
“That’s my good girl,” he said approvingly.
His thumb was rubbing against her clit, his finger thrusting in and out of her tight pussy, and she clutched at his arm helplessly. Her orgasm was starting deep in her belly, her stomach tightening with pleasure as he sucked on her earlobe.
“Come for me, Ms. Smith. Right now.”
His demand brought on her climax, and she shouted his name as her back arched and pleasure rushed through her entire body.
Jane shook and shuddered, her fingers rubbing furiously at her clit as the last of her climax swept through her. Her eyes widened, and she yanked her hand out from between her legs and made a low moan of dismay. She was alone in the shower, and she stared blankly at her hand before grabbing the soap and scrubbing at her naked body. Oh fuck, she had just masturbated in her boss’ house while he slept in the next room. What was wrong with her?
She froze and clapped her hand over her mouth. Shit! Had she said his name out loud as she came? Had he heard her? What if he heard her? What if he knew that she was…
Jane! Snap out of it! He didn’t hear you over the shower, for God’s sake. Just chill out.
Her heart thudding in her chest, she finished soaping up before rinsing clean and shutting off the shower. She toweled herself dry, shuddering a little when she ran the towel over the sensitive flesh between her legs. Despite her orgasm, she was still feeling achy and unsatisfied. She needed Luke’s hard body on top of hers. She needed his warm touch and his hot mouth, and his dick. Maybe she could knock on his door. Maybe she could tell him she was having trouble relaxing and ask him to help her sleep by giving her a good, hard fucking. Maybe he would let her climb into his bed and spread her legs so he could -
Stop it, Jane!
Yes, she needed to stop this madness. She forced the image of being naked and under her boss out of her head and dressed in her flannel pajamas before shutting off the bathroom light and climbing into the bed. It was deliciously comfortable, and she curled onto her side. The last thing she remembered was being confident she’d never fall asleep, but she slept deeply within five minutes.
“What’s so important that you had to wake me up on a Saturday morning and force me to drag my ass out into the cold?” Amy asked grumpily when Luke opened the door.
He glanced at his watch. “It’s almost noon, Ames. Why were you still in bed?”
She kicked off her boots and hung her jacket in the closet. “Siblings for twenty-eight years, and you still don’t know I’m not a morning person? You suck as a brother.”
She followed him into the kitchen, and he handed her a coffee. “I don’t suck that much. I know you need a coffee before you resemble a human being.”
“Bite me.” She sipped at the coffee. “Seriously, what’s wrong?”
“There isn’t anything wrong,” he said. “I need your help with something.”
“What?” She asked. “And are you going to make me pancakes or let me starve?”
“I’ll make you pancakes. Just listen to me for a minute, would you?”
She wrinkled her nose at him before drinking more coffee. “Fine, but you should know I’m on the edge of hangry over here.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.” He sat next to her at the island. “Jane is upstairs sleeping.”
“Oh yeah?” She took another sip of coffee.
“Why are you not surprised by that?” he asked.
“I see the way you look at her. Although, sleeping with your PA is not the wisest idea, Lukie.”