Page 45 of Undeniably His
He blinked at her. “Just like that?”
“Just like that, Lukie,” Amy said.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, how about those pancakes you promised?”
* * *
The smell of pancakes woke her. Her stomach grumbled, and Jane sat up in bed. She stared at the strange room before remembering where she was. She checked her phone, dismayed to see that it was after noon and hurried to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, dressed, and called the nursing home.
“Hi, Bev. It’s Jane. How is Mama J doing today?”
“Hi, Jane. Josephine’s having another bad day, I’m afraid,” Bev said. “She was restless through the night and became quite agitated this morning.”
Guilt flooded through Jane. “I’ll be there in an hour.”
“Jane,” Bev said, “why don’t you take the weekend off? We sedated Josephine, and she’s sleeping right now. I don’t think she’ll remember you today or tomorrow.”
Jane chewed on her bottom lip. “Maybe if I drop by, it’ll help her remember.”
“Has it in the past?” Bev said.
“No, but - ”
“We all know how much you love her, but, sweetie, you need to take care of yourself as well. You’ve been looking pale lately.”
“I don’t want to leave her alone,” Jane said.
“You’re not. We’re here, and you know we care about her. Permit yourself to live your own life for a couple of days, okay? I’ll leave a note for Tanya to call you if Josephine improves. All right?”
“Okay,” Jane said. “Will you tell her I love her, though?”
“Of course I will. If you don’t hear from Tanya tonight, call tomorrow.”
“I will. Thanks, Bev.”
“You’re welcome, sweetie.”
Jane stuck her phone into her pocket and checked her hair in the bathroom mirror. It had dried fuzzy while she was sleeping, and she wet her hands and tried to smooth it down. She applied a light layer of makeup to hide the dark circles under her eyes. She stared at the blush and her eye shadow, debating whether to fancy herself up a little more.
She snorted in disgust. What did it matter what she looked like? Her boss wasn’t attracted to her. She could have all the sexual fantasies about him that she wanted, but he would never be attracted to someone as pathetic as her. Instead of worrying about what she looked like, she needed to worry about how she would survive the rest of the weekend without heat or food.
She cringed at the thought of returning to her apartment – Jesus, she’d never sleep again knowing a rat was living with her – but she didn’t have a choice. Her stomach growled, and she patted it soothingly. She would stuff herself full of pancakes this morning and try to slip two or three into her purse when Luke wasn’t looking. That would get her through today. As for tomorrow and Monday, she’d have to suck it up and drink lots of water. She could buy food after she got her tips on Monday night.
What if Jeremy is still pissed at you and cancels your shift on Monday too? Then what, Janie?
He wouldn’t do that. If he did, well, there was always the rat living in her cupboard.
The thought of trying to capture, kill, and eat a rat brought on only a mild sense of repulsion, and she fought back the sudden wave of tears. Was this what she was reduced to now? Seriously considering trying to catch a rat and eat it? She was so fucked up it wasn’t funny.
It won’t come to that, Janie. Now, go downstairs and enjoy the food and the heat before you have to go back to your shitty apartment, okay?
She smoothed her hair again before leaving the bedroom. She hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. “Good morning, Luke. I’m sorry I slept so - ”
She stared in surprise at Amy. Luke’s sister gave her a cheerful grin. “Hi, Jane.”
“Um, hi, Amy.” Jane stood awkwardly in the doorway.