Page 47 of Undeniably His
“I’ll get it all sorted out,” Jane said with a cheerfulness she didn’t feel. Desperate to change the subject, she said, “So, do you have fun plans for the weekend?”
“A little bit of work, family dinner tomorrow night, and working on my ad for a roommate.”
“You’re looking for a roommate?” Jane said.
“I am. Just between you and me, I hate the process. You would not believe the weirdos that apply. I’m dreading it, to be honest.”
Amy paused and gave Jane a thoughtful look. “Unless I found someone I knew who was looking for a new place to live.”
Jane didn’t reply, and Amy nudged her. “Well, what do you say?”
“About what?” Jane gave her a bewildered look.
“About moving in with me.”
“I – what – no, I can’t do that.”
“Why not?” Amy asked. “You need a new place to live, and I need a roommate. It’s a win-win.”
“Why do you need a roommate?” Jane asked. “I know it isn’t because of the cost of living.”
“I hate living by myself,” Amy said. “I’m a social butterfly. Come on, Jane. Live with me. My house is way nicer than your apartment, and the rent is cheaper, too. I guarantee it.”
Jane stared into her coffee. She had just been handed the answer to all her problems. Why the hell was she hesitating?
“Yes,” she said. “Yes, I’ll be your roommate.”
Amy gave her a hard and enthusiastic hug. “That’s wonderful! Lukie, I have to go into the office this afternoon, but you’ll help Jane move her stuff to my place, won’t you?”
“That’s fine,” Jane said. “I don’t have very much stuff. I can do it myself.”
“Are you going to move it on the bus?” Luke said with a raised eyebrow.
“It’s only clothes and a few personal items,” she mumbled.
“Then it won’t take very long for us to move you into Amy’s place,” he said. “Finish your coffee, and I’ll drive you to your apartment so you can pack up the rest of your things.”
“If you’re sure,” she said.
“Positive,” he said.
* * *
“Morning.” Amy wandered into the kitchen. It was nearly eleven on Sunday morning, and she laughed when Jane glanced at the clock. “I’m not a morning person. How did you sleep?”
“Really well,” Jane said. “The bed is very comfortable.”
“Good. Feel free to make any changes to your bedroom and bathroom. If you want a different paint colour or different furniture, go for it. You do you.”
“Amy, thank you so much. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.”
“You’re helping me out, remember?” Amy poured herself a cup of coffee. She sat down and sipped at the coffee as Jane joined her.
“You have a lovely home,” Jane said.
“Thanks,” Amy said. “Oh, and help yourself to whatever food you want. We’ll figure out grocery splitting later. What are your plans for today?”
“I don’t have any,” Jane said. She’d called the nursing home this morning, but Mama J was still confused and even more combative today. “How about you?”