Page 79 of Undeniably His
There was irritation in his best friend’s voice. It wasn’t like Mark to be irritated so quickly, and Luke said, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Mark said.
“Now who’s bullshitting?” Luke asked.
Mark rubbed his jaw. “I’m tired. I haven’t been sleeping well.”
“Why not?” Luke asked.
There was a knock on the door, and Jane stuck her head into the room. “Mr. Dawson? I have the documents you – oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were in a meeting.”
“It’s fine,” Mark said as he stood. “Luke, take a look at the numbers and get back to me by the day after tomorrow, okay?”
Luke nodded as Mark slipped past Jane and shut the office doors. He should have made Mark stay so he could find out what was wrong with him, but the moment Jane had walked into his office, she was all he could think about. He’d tasted her pussy and fucked her on his desk just yesterday, and already he wanted her again.
As she placed the documents on his desk, he tried desperately to think of a reason to keep her in his office. “Ms. Smith, there was a problem with the letter you emailed me earlier.
“What was wrong with it?” she asked.
“Errors, multiple errors,” he said.
She stared at him in disbelief, and he opened the document before rolling his chair back. “Come see for yourself.”
She hesitated, and he tried to look calm and indifferent about her decision. Truthfully, he was dying to get her close to him. He didn’t think it was his imagination that she’d been avoiding him today. But if he could touch her and kiss her soft mouth even once, maybe he could concentrate on his damn job.
She gave him a suspicious look before walking behind his desk. She kept her body straight and stared at the screen. He tried not to grin and failed miserably as he gazed at her ass. She might think not being bent over made a difference, but the way her skirt hugged her ass made him instantly hard.
“I don’t see anything,” she said.
“Third paragraph,” he said. Jane’s skirt ended just above the knee, and as she studied the screen, he slid his hand under her skirt and stroked her thigh. She stiffened and turned her head to glare at him.
“Behave, Mr. Dawson.”
“I am, Ms. Smith,” he said innocently as he nudged at her closed thighs. To his surprise, she shifted her feet apart as she turned her head to stare at the screen again. He caught a whiff of her body wash as he slid his hand up her inner thigh. She was wearing stockings again – God, that made him so fucking hard for her – and he stroked the soft skin of her thigh above the top of them.
“Th-there aren’t any mistakes,” she moaned.
“There are.” His hand inched higher. “Keep looking.”
“I don’t see any – oh, God…”
His hand had reached her panties, and she widened her thighs as he touched the damp fabric.
“Keep looking, Ms. Smith,” he said sternly as he ran his fingers back and forth over her panties. He pressed experimentally against her clit through the silk material, and she moaned before plastering her hand over her mouth.
She dropped her hand and said, “There’s one misspelled word.”
“Like I said, an error,” he replied.
“You said multiple errors.” She turned her head to stare down at him.
He shrugged and withdrew his hand. Jane couldn’t mask the disappointment that flashed across her face as she turned to face him.
“Regardless, I think there should be some punishment for your error. Don’t you, Ms. Smith?”
Her breath hitched, and her eyes dropped to the tented crotch of his pants. A slow grin crossed his face. He had planned on tasting her sweet pussy again, but now he had a better idea. She watched as he reached into the desk drawer and removed the silver remote. He locked the door, the click was deafening in the silence and waited for her to protest.
When she didn’t, he leaned back in his chair and said, “Remove your shirt and bra.”