Page 88 of Undeniably His
“Wait, so these French guys are here because they’ve changed their minds and want to invest in the company?” Mark gave him a confused look. “But we haven’t even begun to update the website. Didn’t you tell me that Maria just did the ad for the new marketing people?”
“Yes. I don’t know why they’re in the city,” Luke said. “Pierre’s email said they would be arriving tomorrow and could they meet with me and Amy on Friday afternoon.”
“They want to meet Amy?” Mark said.
“Unfortunately, yes,” Luke sighed. “Think I can convince her to meet with them?”
“You’ll have to,” Mark said.
“I know she hates doing this kind of stuff, but if it means they invest in the line, then she has no choice. Going international is the right move, Mark.”
“I don’t disagree,” Mark said, “but Amy’s not going to be happy with you.”
“Probably not,” Luke said. “Listen, make sure you’re available on Friday afternoon in case they want to meet with you as well.”
“Sure,” Mark said.
“Really?” Luke said.
“Yes, why?”
“Didn’t think you’d come to the meeting if Amy were there. The meeting earlier today was,” he paused, “tense.”
“I didn’t notice.” A muscle in Mark’s jaw twitched. “Do you think I can’t do my job anymore, Luke? Is that what you’re saying? You think I should quit?”
“Whoa,” Luke held up his hands, “where is this coming from? You know I don’t think that.”
Mark glared at him before sitting back in his chair. “Sorry.”
“Mark, we need to fix whatever’s happened between you and Amy,” Luke said. “Both of you are miserable.”
“Maybe it has nothing to do with Amy,” Mark said. “Did you ever think of that?”
“No,” Luke admitted. “But that’s because normally you tell me everything.”
Mark gave him a guilty look. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been a shitty friend lately.”
“No,” Luke said, “I’m being the shitty friend. I’ve been preoccupied with other stuff.”
“Preoccupied with your assistant,” Mark said. “You ever going to admit to me that you’re fucking her?”
Luke glanced at the closed doors. “Keep your voice down. Fine, we had sex on Saturday night. We both said that was it, and I meant it, I did. Only she walked into my office on Monday, and… let’s just say that my ‘no sex at the office rule’ is null and void now.”
“Shit, man,” Mark said. “You need to be careful. Screwing your assistant in your office is a bad idea. Hell, screwing your assistant is a bad idea, period. What if she sues you for sexual harassment when you end it?”
“She wouldn’t do that,” Luke said. “You don’t know Jane the way I do. She’s sweet and kind. Besides, who said I’m going to end it?”
Mark shrugged. “Your last serious relationship was in University. You’ve never dated a woman for longer than a month since then.”
“I’ve been concentrating on building the company,” Luke said defensively. “Besides, you’re one to talk. When was your last serious relationship?”
“Francine,” Mark said. “We were serious.”
“University girlfriend,” Luke said.
“No, she wasn’t. She was...”
Luke leaned back in his chair. “Face it, buddy, we’re idiots when it comes to women. Neither of us has had a serious relationship in years. There’s something wrong with the both of us.”