Page 97 of Undeniably His
Both wore expensive suits, and she was happy she wore a Dawson suit when Julien’s gaze drifted over her. “That suit is exquisite, Jane.”
“Thank you.”
“Is it a Dawson?”
“Of course.” She pulled both of her hands free and tucked them behind her back. “Mr. Dawson is finishing a phone call but asked me to bring you to the boardroom.”
“Lead the way, Jane. We will follow you wherever you go,” Pierre said.
She led them down the maze of hallways to the boardroom. They followed her into the room, and she smiled at them. “Mr. Dawson will be right with you. Could I get you a coffee or a glass of water?”
They shook their heads as Julien smiled at her. “But you must keep us company until your boss arrives, Jane.”
She hesitated, and Pierre pulled out a chair. “We insist. We are here for a few days and need someone to tell us where the best tourist spots are.”
She smiled and sat down in the chair. “Of course.”
* * *
Luke hurried into the boardroom. The phone call had gone longer than he thought, and he hoped to God that Amy had been on time for the meeting. He opened the boardroom door and froze in the doorway. Jane was sitting at the table, and Julien and Pierre were flanking her.
Anger burned in his belly when Pierre picked up a lock of Jane’s hair and rubbed it gently as Julien leaned in closer and let his arm brush against hers.
“Jane, you must accompany us tomorrow,” Pierre said. “We cannot do tourist things without a tour guide.”
“I’m afraid I have other plans,” Jane said. A little of Luke’s jealousy abated when she pulled her hair from Pierre’s hand and crossed her arms so that Julien wasn’t touching her. “If you’ll excuse me, I must return to my desk. I’m sure that Luke and Amy will be here shortly.”
Both men stood as Jane pushed back her chair and rose gracefully to her feet. She turned, and Luke was mollified when a warm smile crossed her face. “Mr. Dawson, hello.”
As the two men stood, Luke strode forward and stood closer than necessary to Jane before holding out his hand. “Pierre, Julien, it’s good to see you again.”
“You as well, Luke,” Pierre replied. “Thank you for meeting with us.”
“It was my pleasure,” Luke said.
“We were just trying to convince your lovely assistant to be our tour guide this weekend,” Julien said with a slight grin at Jane. “Perhaps you can convince her?”
“I’m afraid Jane has work this weekend,” Luke said.
“What a shame,” Julien said.
“Jane, will you go to Amy’s office and see what’s keeping her?” Luke asked.
“Of course,” Jane replied.
“I’m right here. I’m sorry I’m late.” Amy rushed in, the bracelets around her wrists jingling, and smiled apologetically.
Luke watched as Julien and Pierre glanced at each other before stepping around him and Jane.
“Ms. Dawson,” Julien said before taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. “It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Julien Morel, and this is my associate, Pierre Durand.”
Pierre made a short bow as Amy tugged free of Julien’s grip and held out her hand. Like Julien, he kissed her knuckles and then continued to hold her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” she said.
She glanced at her hand before raising her eyebrow at Pierre. He gave her an appreciative smile before kissing her knuckles again. “Forgive me, Ms. Dawson. A woman as beautiful as you – I find it difficult to let go.”
More anger flooded through Luke. It was bad enough that they were hitting on Jane, but watching them hit on Amy made his need to protect his little sister roar to life. He took Amy’s arm and pulled her away from Pierre.