Page 13 of For the Record
She winced and faked a gag. I hadn’t ever mentioned to her how hot her brother was, even if he was my closest friend. But there was no way she didn’t know. Didn’t she have girlfriends in high school who wanted to hang out just to stare at him?
I could see the moment a lightbulb flashed in her eyes. “This is exactly like that romance book I read where they stayed married so they could get extra money from the government each month and she could get really good health insurance.”
“Wait.” I straightened my back. “People do that?”
Calla nodded. “All the time. Celebrities do too.”
I fell silent for a moment. That was crazy. Seriously insane. Right? I mean, to get married and just stay married for money and health benefits? Absurd.
It was quiet for another minute.
“And it works?” I asked.
She shrugged. “Probably not, but anything can happen in a romance book.”
Yes. In a romance book. Not in a real-life scenario. Because no one would do that.
The elevator slowed to a stop, and a ding chimed over us. I was preparing myself to walk out into the lobby when I saw we were only on floor three. The doors opened, and on the other side stood Crew, Calla’s youngest sibling, in a baby-blue Hawaiian shirt with koi fish printed on it.
Calla stared at him, confused. “You’re not even staying on this floor. What are you doing here?”
He solemnly shrugged. “I made friends with a group of old ladies at the six-thirty yoga class. They convinced me to play mahjong up here. Just lost thirty bucks and my favorite hat.”
Crew stepped in, and I instinctively hid my left hand behind my back.
“What’s new with you guys?”
Calla and I exchanged looks. I gave her a silent plea, and she gave a subtle nod back.
“Nothing,” we said in sync, and I was incredibly grateful when he didn’t question it.
We all rode the elevator down to the lobby, and I couldn’t help but consider what Calla had said before. My thoughts trailed to the stress waiting for me back home: Dad’s assisted living bills stacking up and his lack of healthcare.
I bit my lip and looked back to my ring behind my back, considering.
Currently playing: Starfish and Coffee by Prince
Unknown number: Hiya, sailor.
Who is this?
Unknown number: guess.
Unknown number: I should have known you were a stick-in-the-mud. Layla said you were grumpy, but I chose not to believe it, considering how much fun we had the other night.
Unknown number: That’s me :)
How did you get my number?
Rachel: Layla’s phone doesn’t have a lock. She said you were who knows where saving lives. Thought you might like some company.
This is company?
Rachel: You tell me, sailor.