Page 71 of For the Record
Voicemail from Rachel, 9:12 p.m.: “Hi. I miss you. You said to call you every night, but I got completely distracted playing rummy with some of Dad’s friends. You should come to the next game night. These old ladies are really wild. One threatened to throw her dentures at me. Long story. Anyway, I miss you. I hope you’re having…well, I don’t hope you’re having fun, because I want you here with me. But I hope you are having an enjoyable, normal work experience. I guess. Anyway, so yeah. Just wanted to say good night and stuff. I’m going to go wear out my record and eat the rest of your Pop Tarts. Be safe, please. I miss you. Nighty-night.”
Adam: Thanks for the gift. I really liked it.
Rachel: Which part? The cards or the sour straws?
Adam: Both. All of it. The underwear too. All the guys were staring at me when I opened it. I don’t think any of them have ever heard me laugh before.
Rachel: I love your laugh and I’m so glad you liked it. I thought the bacon boxers would make you smile!
Adam: They did. How’s Jack?
Rachel: Really great, actually. He asked me where you were. Said he misses you. I agree.
Adam: Miss both of you. A few more weeks, honey. I’m counting down the days.
Rachel: You’ve gotten all soft on me now. Calling me honey and counting days. Where’s my grumpy Adam?
Adam: He left as soon as you got that ring on your finger.
Rachel: So Luke and Layla are trying to convince me to go to a Star Wars convention with them.
Adam: They aren’t.
Rachel: Layla told me I should wear Princess Leia’s gold bikini.
Adam: I just looked that up. Please do not leave the house in that.
Rachel: …so I should wear it in the house?
Adam: I won’t tell you how to live your life.
Rachel: And you say I’m the perv.
Phone call: 11:39 PM.
“Hi, honey.”
“I’m sorry it’s late. We just got back.”
“It’s okay. You sound sleepy.”
“Yeah, it’s, uh, been a long day for sure.”
“Save a lot of lives?”
“I guess. We had one guy…it, uh, wasn’t good.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”