Page 4 of The Assassin's Quest
Yeah, maybe I’m focusing on his dick a bit too much. But seriously, even with how small it is, it's still the most attractive thing on the man. His body is like a large bowl of rotten pudding oozing out of places that shouldn’t ooze. His arms jiggle as he rolls over in the bed and part of his belly falls off the side of the large mattress. My whole body shutters as I look into his sweaty pale face. The smell in the room is nauseating enough that I just want to get this over with.
I pull Consequence from the sheath on my hip and tiptoe closer to the bed. A rustle outside of the balcony has my head snapping towards the still open door. I know that he has dogs patrolling, and a guard, but I haven't seen any of them yet. I'm slightly freaking out thinking the guard somehow got behind me and is about to catch me in the middle of the job. However, when I look out the door, I see a massive raven. His black feathers blend into the starless night, but the moonlight glistens off his beak. A gleam in his beady eyes makes me think he is laughing at me. A thought that is solidified by the deep rolling laughter that trickles into my mind through our bond.
I glare at the stupid bird and face Mr. Jult again. Not wanting to stay in this smelly room any longer, I pull the side of my dagger across his throat and watch as his eyes fly open. He flops around on his bed as he stares into my eyes. His hands rush up to the deep slash in his throat, but it's pointless. He has already lost so much blood that his body is failing. He gurgles and blood bubbles from between his thin cracked lips. I smile when I see his eyes slowly fall to halfway closed and his chest shudders with one last breath. Standing here, I watch as a bit more blood bubbles out of the gash, the white of his spine winking through the pink meat and red tendons. The ragged edges of the wound does nothing to keep the almost black blood inside the now dead monster.
Using the sheet of the bed to clean my dagger, I glance around to make sure nothing is out of place and that there is nothing left that can hint that I was here. Fowlynn caws out, snapping my attention back to my massive familiar. He ruffles his feathers and turns his head toward the yard, then I hear the baying of hounds. These must be the poor mutts Mr. Jult trained as guard dogs.
The supernatural world is filled with all kinds of creatures, and monsters like Mr. Jult just love to use some of them as slaves. I know for a fact that these Hell Hounds were stolen from their pack and forced to serve Mr. Jult as some sort of punishment for not following the Dragon's orders. I have no fear that they will attack me, just as soon as I let them know that their services are no longer needed. A friend of mine runs a shelter for people running from the powerful and corrupt, so I'll send these pups to her and she will help them get back to their rightful homes.
Walking out to the balcony, I throw myself over the railing and use my magic to pad my landing so it is soundless. Weaving a spell of bright yellow magic, I freeze the hounds in their tracks and quietly make my way towards them. When they finally see me, they both begin growling and I can feel them straining to shake off my magic and attack me. Fortunately, I anticipated this and wove the spell so that it tightens when the bound has an intent to harm me.
"Oh settle down, Pups. I'm here to rescue you. Mr. Jult will no longer need your services. When I'm long gone, this spell will disappear. If you want to die, you will track me and try to kill me. However, if you want to go back home to your pack, you will go to Shelven over in Hayward. She will help you, but you need to be long gone before the sun comes up or it will be very bad."
I don't give them a chance to respond in any way, I don't wait to see if they listen to my words. If they want the way out, they will take it. If they don't, then it isn't my problem. I've completed the task I was sent to do, that I may have helped two of the Dragon's victims was just a bonus.
Fowlynn flutters through the trees and settles himself on my shoulder as I walk back through the woods to the house. He speaks into my mind and I can't help but smile.
"I spoke to Ahazu. He is doing well. His mates have accepted him and they are living up the mated life over there. There have been a few close calls with some of Dragon's people, but Gynnie took care of them. He is safe."
"Thank you Fowlynn. I know you think it's ridiculous, but I worry about him being so far away. I missed you though, and I'm glad you're back with me."
Fowlynn rubs his head against the underside of my chin, his form of a hug. I pull the head dress off and lower the hood of the cloak, just enjoying a stroll through the woods with my Familiar. He prattles on about his flight and spending time with Gynnie. I listen to his deep voice echoing through my mind, telling me there are people in the woods with us. He keeps going, saying something that sounds important, but I’m only half listening as I think back to when he came to me.
Ahazu and I are standing in the cemetery, staring down at our parents' headstones. Ahazu has tears rolling down his face, but all I feel is a rage so deep I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of it. It's been two weeks and the hole in my heart where Mom and Pa were supposed to be is only growing.
Ahazu falls to his knees, sobs wracking his whole body. I kneel beside him and hold him in my arms, cradling his body to my chest just like Mom used to do. He just got out of the hospital, so this is the first time he's been here. I feel awful that he has to feel this, that I couldn't save them all from the pain they have endured.
Like so many other times since the incident happened, my magic swells inside of me, reacting to the rage and pain I try to keep trapped inside. Swirls of yellow magic fly around us as the sky turns dark above us and fat drops of rain splatter against my face. I let the water roll down my face, pretending it's the tears I won't let out. Ahazu cries out again, demanding our parents to do the impossible and come back.
Instead of the silence we usually hear, two loud caws answer his call. My head snaps down, eyes peering around the cemetery for anything out of place. Two massive ravens are sitting on our parents' headstones. One has feathers so black they almost appear to be made of smoke. The other, the smaller of the two, looks to be a bit softer than the Black one. Its feathers have a blue tint to them. I imagine that in the light, there would be pretty iridescent rainbows all over its body.
Suddenly, my magic lashes out. Streams of yellow magic flow from my chest and strike the bigger of the two birds. He doesn't flinch, doesn't cry out. He just lifts his head, staring at the dark clouds still rolling up ahead. I can feel more things, know things about this Raven that I didn't before. He is the descendant of Odin's Raven, Hugin. He is here with his mate, Gynnie, who is a descendant of Munin. The Goddess asked for volunteers for familiars and these two spoke up immediately. He is connected to my magic, bound to me forever and he came to help me. Gynnie is destined for Ahazu.
Both of them came to us, they settled deep into our arms, pushing their heads against our chests as our magic flowed into them. The clouds stayed dark and the rain continued to fall, but for the first time since my parents passed, I didn't need the rain. I let my own tears fall. Let myself feel the hurt of losing my rocks. I let my new rock comfort me.
I pull myself out of the memory as Fowlynn's last words sink into my mind. I stop in the middle of the woods and stare at the crazy bird on my shoulder.
"What the fuck do you mean my mates are near?!"
Chapter 4
Fowlynn’s laugh echoes around my mind. I can imagine what my face looks like. Sure, I want mates …. One day. Today, however, is NOT that day. I’m
covered in blood, stinking of that man’s room, and I’m not exactly in the mood to run into my mates.
I mean, that there is a group of guys about a mile away from us that have a tie to us. Well, technically they are tied to your soul, but seeing as we share a soul …
He flutters his wings as the words die off in my mind and for a split second, I think about smothering his feathery ass. He sounds so excited at the prospect of finding my mates while I’m anything but. My eyes swivel around the trees as I keep walking towards my house. Fowlynn is rambling on and on about my supposed mates but I’m not listening to what he is saying. My focus is on the woods around us.
When he lets out a loud caw! I about jump out of my skin. I whip my face around to glare at the obnoxious bird, but he just looks back at me with a mischievous gleam in his black eyes. His talons dig into my shoulder, a move I know he does on purpose. As I open my mouth to ask what the fuck he is doing, the rustle of trees stops the words in my throat. Before I can spot anywhere to hide behind, a group of four guys come walking out of the tree line into the clearing I’m standing in.
A familiar face at the back of the group notices me immediately. His eyes focus on my face and grow brighter. Silver magic under his bare dark blue skin like stars shooting across the sky and his legs dissolve into smoke-like wisps that keep the top half of his body floating off the ground. His face would be beautiful if it wasn’t for the two large ivory tusks protruding from his upper lip. Though, even with the tusks, he is handsome. His lips are full and really brings focus to his strong jaw. I know, when his magic isn’t acting up, that he is a burly man; or at least he was when he was bossing everyone around at school. His silver hair is shaved on the sides, but pulled up into a sexy man-bun on top. His bright, neon green eyes stare into mine as if he is trying to see into my soul and unearth all my secrets.
I have a hard time pulling my gaze off the blast from my past, the same one I’ve felt a strong pull towards since I met him. Movement in the corner of my eye has my body twitching, my eyes falling onto the other four men that crashed into the clearing, and my dagger is grasped in my hands before I consciously thought about pulling it out. As soon as I see them, I feel a tug at my center. Something draws me to these four men, just like with Glavior.
The first one I see isn’t just one man, it's two. Identical twins with goofy matching smiles take a step closer to me, drawing my full attention. Their long black hair hangs down their backs, almost all the way to their butt. They are both dressed in an outfit almost like mine, but they are missing the gloves and head wrap. Their skin is as black as the night surrounding the clearing, almost making them disappear, if it weren’t for the bright orange lines running through the back of their hands and up their necks, onto their faces. It's as if lava flows through their veins instead of blood. Their eyes draw my eye the most. One has solid black eyes, and the other has eyes as red as metal being forged into knives, bright and stark against his darker skin. Their white teeth seem to glow in the night, sharp canines protruding down past their other teeth, and the lines on the corner of their big round eyes say this smile is an expression they wear a lot.
Beside them is a man that is clearly a druid. His exposed arms and legs resemble the bark of an ash tree and his hair stands up around his head, strands of curly locks almost seem to spring from his scalp like flowers blooming in Spring. His half open eyes are the greenest I’ve ever seen and he seems to be playing with a weed in his fingers. His clothes look like they are made out of grass and flowers, and really shouldn’t be classified as clothes at all because it's only a loincloth that waves as the gentlest of breezes passes through the clearing. He isn’t wearing shoes, but the dirt seems to form around his feet as if it wants to be closer to him.