Page 6 of The Assassin's Quest
What little color is in her face drains away, her eyes go round as saucers as her body starts to vibrate with nerves. She pats her hair down, then rubs her palms on her tiny jean shorts. With one more glance over my shoulder, she finally clears her throat and looks back into my face.
“I don’t know much, but I know who does.” She says, whispering so she can barely be heard over the raucous crowd in the Pub.
“Okay …” I say, eyeing her, trying to figure out what her reaction was all about. “So, who–”
Before the question comes out of my mouth, I feel familiar magic signatures surround me on either side. The scent of Brimstone invades my senses and I have to grit my teeth to keep the pleasurable shudder from moving down my spine. Turning my head to the left and right, I blink as the twins from the other night smile down at me. The one with red eyes reaches up and pets my white hair, a look of pure fascination and awe in his gaze.
Turning, I look up at the black eyed man as he speaks softly, his lips brushing against my skin, causing my flesh to pebble and my nipples to get hard as diamonds. My pussy is soaking wet and ideas of what those large hands resting on the bar could do to my body flashes through my mind like an x-rated movie.
“Hello Minx. Fancy seeing you here, and asking about The Dragon. It’s like you’re trying to get our attention.” His deep, tri-layered voice echoes around our tight space. Sinking into my skin and playing wicked games with my body.
His brother leans in close to my other side and I jump at the difference in their voices. Both are alluring, but they are distinctly different.
“No, my Moon had no idea we’d be here. I can feel her confusion and smell her desire from here. Oh, she isn’t happy that she wants us, but want us, she does.”
His voice is a bit higher pitched than his brothers, and he has a lilt of an accent that I can’t place. The undertones of extra voices that are present in his words as well, but instead of the deep tones like his brother, the trilayer in his words almost sound childlike in nature. Its creepy as fuck, but I have to admit, even if it’s just to myself, that it turns me the fuck on.
“Is there a reason you are in my space, or are you so delusional as to think I want you here?” I ask the twins, turning my head so Kelsy can see my eye roll.
So fucking what if I actually do want them here, in my space, filling up my nose with their scent and my mind with wild thoughts of what they could do to my body. The twins share a look and they both chuckle. The same layered sound is in their voice, making the little laugh a bit creepy and a lot sexy. They both move closer, crushing my body between their muscled chests. Heat comes off of them like they were sitting inside a fire and my flesh pebbles. My wings dance on my back where they are glamoured and I have to actually fight my magic to keep them hidden.
“Minx. The Dragon is our quest. He is the one we are hunting. So–” the red eyed one starts, and the black eyed one takes up his line of thought as if they share a brain.
“If you want to know about the dragon, you’re going to have to join our troupe. We’ve paid good money to make sure our information doesn’t get shared with anyone but us.”
Well fuck! I need the information they have on the dragon if I’m going to complete my assignment. But I’m scared that if I spend any extra time with them, I’ll get attached. I’m serious when I say that I don’t want mates. Mates complicate everything. They make you crave their attention and forget about all the other important shit, like work and family. I saw that with my parents. They died because they were so focused on saving each other, they didn’t try to save themselves.
Still, I’m strong. I can resist the pull I feel for them. I just have to remind myself that I’m only doing it because I need information, not because I want to spend time with them. I glare at the mirror over the bar, thinking over my options. If I join them on their stupid Quest, I could get the information I need, even have help getting close to The Dragon. Still, I’ll have to spend a significant amount of time with them.
However, if I deny them and try to do this on my own. If Kelsy isn’t willing to tell me anything about my mark, then I know no one else will. Sure, I could get the information, but it’d mean more blood, work, and time before I can get my pay out. Ahazu is home for a while, but doing this alone will take more time away from my brother.
I guess that means I have to join their dumb quest and try to keep my heart from getting involved. I can do this. I can keep myself from completing the Mate Bond with this misfit group of men while completing my mission. Somehow, I’ll still spend time with my brother while he is home. I can do this.
Taking a deep breath, I meet both of the twins’ eyes. Trying to judge them, to see beyond their bewitching eyes and flawless faces. I just about give up, but the red eyed twin finally breaks. I see the desperation in his eyes, the longing for a deeper connection. My heart does ache just a bit, knowing that I can’t give him what he wants, not really.
“Fine, I’ll join the Quest. But you have to tell me everything you know about The Dragon and I’m in charge!”
The twins smile wide and a huge grin spreads on their lips. Their eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint as they both grab one of my hands and pull me off the stool, dragging me to the back corner table behind where I was sitting. Glavior and the other two are sitting there, each of them holding a giant stein of ale. Glavior is watching me, his eyes flickering down to where the twins are still holding my hand. The Druid’s lips spread in a slow, lazy smile as he sits his cup down and brings a rolled cigar to his lips. The smoke he blows in my direction is thick and green in color. It smells like fresh mowed grass after a summer storm and my body relaxes as I inhale just a bit of it.
Giving him a wicked sneer, I waft the smoke away from my face and drag my eyes away from his bright green eyes. The water shifter smiles sweetly at me, his hands moving in fast motions, creating signs that I’m sure translates into words. I don’t know sign language, but I watch his fingers as if they hold the secrets of the universe. The druid chuckles and the twins quickly let go of my hands, making the water shifter laugh. It sounds like chimes pouring from between his lips, drawing me closer to the table even as a tinge lights up my chest at the loss of the twins’ heat.
“What did he say?” I ask, still looking at his hands. He moves them again, making the same signs, but slower, as if he is enunciating the words to be better understood.
The druid laughs again, but Glavior rolls his eyes. “Signing slower isn’t going to teach her the words, Symoan.”
His deep voice sends shivers down my spine, but I blank my emotions from my face, not wanting him to see the effect he has on my body. His beautiful Tusks glisten under the candle light. I stare into his eyes, trying to see the meaning behind his gruff words, feeling in my bones that he meant more than he said. I thought he was making fun of me, something he seems to really enjoy doing based on our last interaction.
Those bright blue eyes tell a lot more than his words say though. There is longing, like the twins, but also desire, awe, enrapture. There is a devotion in his gaze as he stares at me that has my heart standing still in my chest and my breath freezing in my lungs. It makes me feel uncomfortable, the pure emotion in his gaze. I have to look away, starting to realize that this task, working so closely with them without getting too caught up in them, may be harder than I originally estimated.
For a second, no one says anything. The group of us lapse into an awkward silence. The twins move around and take their seats, leaving the chair I’m standing in front of empty. It doesn’t escape my notice that the boys are situated so they could all see me where I was sitting at the bar. I let that fact go, storing it in the back of my mind to dissect at a later time. Slowly, I sit down while looking around at the men I’m now apparently teamed up with.
“So, good news.” The Black eyed twin says. Drawing all the eyes at the table his way, he smirks and sits back in his chair, spreading his legs so his knee is bumping against mine under the table. “Minx here has decided to join us on our Quest.”
His brother smirks, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. “Yes, under the condition that we tell her all we know about The Dragon, and allow her to lead the expedition.”
Silence sits heavy for a split second before Glavior stands up, jostling the table and spilling the few cups of ale resting there. His nostrils are flaring and smoke pours from his ears. With the thick ring spectrum piercing going through the middle of his nose, he honestly looks like a bull with his horns protruding from his mouth instead of his head. His magic sparks under his skin, casting silver starlight on the Pub’s dark wood walls. His voice is full of growls that don't sound as angry as you’d assume from his demeanor.
“How did this happen? How did the sexy Pixie end up taking my place as lead … again?” He demands, shoving his hands through his green hair.