Page 104 of Sapphire Scars
“You’re free for the rest of the afternoon,” I snapped. “Do whatever you’d like. Visit whoever you want. Don’t come looking for me until dusk.”
She was safe without other Masters around.
I might be safe if I could outrun this blackness.
I stalked away before she could reply.
Chapter Fifteen
What had I done wrong?
I thought we’d reached an understanding.
The way he’d hugged me after I’d whispered for him to play along with me. The way his entire body enveloped me in such protection, such hope.
I thought that’d been his answer.
In my GHB high state, I thought it’d been a yes.
Yes, to playing along.
Yes, to the act of using me, abusing me, making me kneel and scream—proving to everyone in this damn place that he was the worst. I would play along and be the best-trained jewel in here. I’d do whatever it took to convince everyone that Henri was one of them and I was his, and then…maybe, just maybe, Victor would let him leave. He’d trust him with the location of this island, and Henri could tell his brother, and reinforcements could arrive and—
I slouched.
It wasn’t a yes.
Dread-filled butterflies churned in my stomach as Henri vanished into the stronghold in the distance. He’d never left me alone before. Never run away as if he couldn’t stand being in my presence.
My bruises and ribs still hurt.
My bones ached with matching pockmarks from nasty bullets, but those wounds were nothing compared to the pain of confusion. The scrambling of the bond I thought we’d formed.
Whatever I’d felt that night—all those stupid, stupid feelings…they were nothing more than a ridiculous fantasy.
Climbing to my feet, I groaned as my body protested.
I had far more important things to worry about.
The jewels.
I was finally free to visit them.
Brushing a few blades of grass off my black workout shorts and aqua sports bra, I followed Henri’s footsteps through the manicured grass.
A shiver ran down my back as I climbed the deck and cut around all the empty tables.