Page 117 of Sapphire Scars
“He’s still a Master, Rach.” Mollie crossed her arms. “He’s still the enemy.”
“Yes, but…what if he truly was acting like he said in those videos that day Victor almost shot him?” Rachel shivered. “What if he’s like a triple-crosser, you know? A cop, turned baddie, but really still a cop?”
“You’ve watched way too many action movies.” Mollie rolled her eyes.
“And you’ve turned into a cynic.” Rachel shot back.
“Being raped by a necrophiliac will do that to a person,” Mollie snapped.
I held up my hand. “You…you want me to ask Henri to join us?”
Both girls slouched. “Want is a strong word. But…we might need someone who’s above every rule. He can go anywhere he pleases. He can explain away his presence far easier than we can if he gets caught in certain areas—”
“Victor is still suspicious of him.” I tensed. “He might not be as inconspicuous as you think.”
“Then you tell us.” Mollie looked me up and down. “You live with him. You sleep with him. How has he been since his mentor flew away? Has he taken to whispering to you again? Asking you to go along with him?”
My heart seized, hating that her question was so close to my own hope and reminding me all over again that Henri hadn’t said yes.
“Has he hurt you in the past three weeks?” Rachel asked softly.
I caught her eyes. “He hasn’t laid a single finger on me.”
Rachel grabbed my hand. “That’s a good thing, don’t you see? The moment Victor left, he stopped. That has to mean he’s still on your side. That he’s still a—”
I clamped a hand over her mouth. “Don’t say that word again. Twice is already too much.” I shuddered, remembering my own voice echoing the word ‘cop’ thanks to Victor’s show-and-tell with the video recordings. “He’s not one. He’s never been one. And I think…” I swallowed hard. “I think it’s a risk to include him.”
“You do?” Rachel pulled away from my hand.
I wished it were different.
I wished Henri would return to goodness and light before it was too late, but…I had to be smart about this. I wouldn’t let my heart get in the way of my mind. My heart might be an idiot, but my mind had decided to get these jewels out.
They came before me.
They came before my scrambled feelings for Henri.
I wouldn’t jeopardise them for anything or anyone.
I dropped my arms and nodded. “He’s different. Ever since the night he carried Peter back here, he can barely look at me. He has the worst nightmares. He can’t cope unless he’s reading or typing. He…he isn’t the same man who targeted and claimed me.”
Mollie nodded. “See, Rach? It’s a risk that even Ily doesn’t want to take, and we both know she’s caught feelings she shouldn’t.”
I flinched but didn’t try to deny it.
Mollie continued. “He could tattle on us. We could all be killed by morning—”
“But what he did in that cave,” Rachel murmured, cutting Mollie off. “The way he looked at you, Ily. Victor has never looked at me that way. In fact, I’ve never seen any Master become completely unhinged at someone else touching their jewel. Most of the time they just laugh and watch. He’s possessive of you, and I think…I think if you could convince him that he could keep you, even if we managed to make a dramatic escape…he might help.”
“Keep me?”
“You know…if you agree to stay his no matter where you guys end up.”
I scowled and tapped my collar. “The minute this comes off, I won’t belong to anyone ever again.”
“I’m not saying you will.” Rachel scowled. “I’m saying just make him believe it.”
“Even if he did believe it. Even if I was the best actress in the world and convinced him we have a future together outside of here, he won’t buy it and he won’t go for it.” I shook my head. Hating that truth stung my tongue.