Page 128 of Sapphire Scars
Luminous tears rolled down her cheeks, glowing brighter and brighter. “You have to set me free, Henri. Let me go before you’re completely swallowed.”
I kicked at the shadows restraining me and marched toward her.
Fingers of black jerked me back before I could touch her.
“Help me,” I whispered. “Kiss me.”
She cried harder. “You wish to kiss me? That’s all you have to offer me after everything you’ve already taken?”
“A kiss is worth far more to me than anything else.”
“A kiss from you is death.” She hung her head. “But perhaps…that’s the only freedom I’ll earn from you.”Her skin kept glowing—a perfect star lighting up all my blackness. She stepped into me and tipped up her chin. “Go on then. Kiss me. Kill me.”
Darkness swamped both of us. If it wasn’t for her light, we’d be blinded by my night.
“I’d never kill you, Ily.”
I love you.
“You already have.” Another iridescent tear rolled; I longed to drink it down.
My neck bent.
Our noses brushed.
So close.
So fucking close.
I jerked back.
Kissing her wouldn’t kill her, but it would kill me.
I’d die from the want, the need, the heartbreaking desperation that made everything so damn hard. “Wait—”
“No.” Catching my cheeks with her luminous hands, she tugged my head down. “Do us both a favour and end it.”
“Ily, don’t—”
She kissed me.
A thunderbolt crashed.
She screamed.
She dropped to my feet, open-eyed and…dead.
Pain I’d never felt before crushed me.
Every memory. Every horror. Every loneliness.
Shadows shot down my throat.
Love broke me into pieces.