Page 140 of Sapphire Scars
The first willing pet from him. The first kind word in so long.
I couldn’t look at him.
Across the room, Peter vibrated with uncontrollable rage. Every jewel present at dinner pulsed with violent energy. Waves of it wafted from the floor where we kneeled. Our matching hate and hopelessness itched in my teeth and pressed against my skull.
The surge of despair and revulsion coming from all my fellow prisoners cut through every illusion of training and obedience.
There was still life in us.
Still courage in us.
Still fight in us.
We have to get the fuck out of here.
Peter raised his eyes and met mine.
In a terribly bold move, he raised his bandaged fist and thumped it over his heart.
A single tear swelled and spilled down my cheek.
I raised my hand and thumped my heart too.
Henri’s chair fell back as he shot to his feet.
His suddenness cut Victor’s punishment short.
The new girls gasped and cried as their bodies jerked with exhaustion.
Bowing his head in respect at Victor, Henri grabbed me around the bicep and dragged me toward the doors leading to the deck outside. Smashing one open, he yanked me over the threshold, then broke into a run, dragging me beside him.
Chapter Twenty
Peter couldn’t hide his rebellion even while wearing bandages, and Ily…
Blackness poured over my mind as I glanced at her jog-tripping beside me.
What was she trying to do? Get herself killed?
Her arm was so slight and cool in my pinching fingers. Her body exquisitely beautiful beneath the beige jumper she’d slipped into. The same jumper where the Diamond Kiss chit had waited. The hem kissed her upper thighs as I pulled her faster, the flash of a white G-string visible as I hauled her over the grass.
The minute she’d spoken back after a month of pandering to me.
The second she told me to fuck myself, my entire body roared to life.
The desperation to throw her on the table again and repeat what’d happened the night of the treasure hunt splintered my bones.