Page 166 of Sapphire Scars
And that was the moment my entire existence shattered.
I didn’t help her.
I failed her.
Trapped in the past.
Shackled by the boy I’d been.
A boy who’d watched so many women being raped.
A boy who’d been forced to watch and never interfere until it was his turn.
And I couldn’t do it.
Couldn’t cope.
Not anymore.
Not now.
Not again.
My body and heart didn’t break, but my mind?
It snapped like a rubber band.
I flatlined—
Chapter Twenty-Three
The stars twinkled in all their might. The Milky Way splashed across the sky like a pathway to better days. And the moon played peek-a-boo behind wispy silvery clouds.
So beautiful.
So perfect.
So pure.
I lay on my back beneath all of the night’s glory and didn’t watch.
Didn’t watch.
Back there in reality, my body rocked with his every thrust.
Back there in hell, I felt him sliding inside me, deeper and harder, rocking me forward and back, forward and back, all while I fought to stay on all fours.
It didn’t hurt.
But it did destroy me.
But I didn’t watch, so it didn’t matter.