Page 170 of Sapphire Scars
Make sure she was okay after years of abuse.
“You’re leaving?” Victor strolled toward us, tying the string of his pyjama bottoms and raking a hand through his hair. “But you haven’t come.”
“I’m sorry. My body…I’m tired.” He didn’t look up from the carpet. “I fucked her. That’s all you asked me to do.” He sounded as if he’d swallowed a canyon, and his soul echoed back.
“It was supposed to relax you, not…” Victor waved at Henri’s condition. “Whatever this is.”
Henri chuckled. “I’m fine. Truly.”
The edge of insanity sharpened his tone.
He’s not fine.
So far from fine.
His pain overshadowed mine like the biggest thundercloud. I couldn’t think about what’d happened to me. Couldn’t look at Victor and know his DNA was inside me.
For now, it never happened.
And really, it hadn’t.
Not in my world.
Not in my meditative freedom where no one could touch me.
But Henri?
God…I didn’t know how to help him.
I hung in his arms and witnessed a slow car crash. I could see the flames about to erupt. Hear the smash. Watch the carnage. But I couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it.
Pouring a glass of water from the carafe on the table, Victor padded toward Rachel and passed it to her. “Here, my sweetling. Go start a bath and take a soak. I’ll order up some cheesecake, hmm?”
Rachel blinked, wary of Victor’s kindness. Climbing to her feet, she drank the water and nodded. “Thank you, Sir V. You’re so good to me.”
“I’m proud of you, my pet. If you continue being so obedient and appreciative, I might allow you to sleep in my chambers every night until the baby comes. Would you like that?”
Rachel resisted the urge to look at me, but I felt her horror. Matched it with my own.
If the two of us weren’t able to sleep in the jewel’s quarters, our resistance might struggle to hold meetings. Mollie would have to keep things going without us. Peter would have to take over the leadership role all while he dealt with bastards.
“That’s very kind of you, Sir V. I-I’d like that…but I wouldn’t want to be any trouble.”
“No trouble at all. You’re rather precious to me now.” Kissing her on the forehead, he motioned toward the bathroom. “Run along now. I might join you in a bit. I’ll just see Henri out.”
“Yes, Sir V.” With a snatched look in my direction, she scurried into the bathroom and vanished.
The moment she was gone, Henri marched toward the exit. “Thanks for having us. I hope you have a restful sleep.”
Rote phrases. Programmed delivery.
All the sharp, savage emotions within him stayed bottled up.
Pressurising, amplifying, pressing against the brokenness inside him.
Victor padded after us. “And you, mon ami.” Cutting in front of us, he eyed me lying silently in Henri’s arms and curled his upper lip. “I thought she’d be more…lively.” Poking me in the breast, he shrugged. “Frankly, she was a bit of a letdown.”
In a horrifying full-circle moment, he reminded me of Samuel. His disappointment of me in the bedroom. His slurs that I couldn’t match a blow-up doll. And just like I’d been grateful for Sam’s comments, I was thankful for Victor’s because—