Page 19 of Sapphire Scars
Another crack to the right.
A short, muffled scream echoing down its path.
My hands curled around the torch and axe as I squeezed into the chasm. My toes turned to ice, and the stupid gun slung across my back kept catching on jagged rocks.
I hoped Kyle was up ahead.
I’d teach him a lesson of what it felt like to be sliced and diced.
Ducking beneath a low outcropping of stone, I scowled as my torch flickered and dimmed.
Victor will murder you if you go on a killing spree.
My steps slowed.
The faintest nudges of commonsense acted like shards of light through the dark fog of my mind.
I was a guest and governed by certain laws.
I couldn’t let myself go.
I still had to live here. Still had nowhere else to go—
Another scream.
Followed by a masculine laugh.
My jaw clenched.
The urge to join in the pain almost consumed me again.
The fog grew thicker. My heart turned blacker.
But…reality made me pause.
I could explain away Charles.
I didn’t have to explain anything at all.
No one had seen me kill him.
Anyone could’ve done it.
No cameras out here—
At least, I don’t think so.
My eyes shot to the craggy roof as I followed the snaking stone path and stepped into yet another cave. No blinking red lights recorded my every move. No signs of cameras anywhere.
My torch beam skimmed this new cave, dancing over salt-encrusted stalagmites and sweeping over shadowy pockets. Seemed Victor hadn’t brought electricity any farther—
A bloodcurdling scream pierced my eardrums.
I froze.
“That’s a good girl,” a man crooned. “I love it when you succumb. Such a good, wonderful girl.” A man. A psychopath.
“Don’t!” a woman begged. “Stop. Please don’t—”