Page 191 of Sapphire Scars
His navy eyes twinkled as two female staff darted forward. One carrying a fresh coffee, the other his usual plate of pastries.
Bowing, the two girls placed his breakfast on my table then scurried away to serve another Master snapping his fingers for attention. I scanned how many Masters and jewels surrounded us. My eyes snagged on Roland and Mollie at the next table. Just like I felt responsible for Rachel after what’d happened, I felt responsible for Mollie too.
I just hoped she’d survive long enough for me to free her.
My hands balled as Roland kicked her, laughing as she flinched and kept her face down.
Fucking bastard.
Ily sucked in a breath as she looked in the other direction, her gaze locked on Peter as he led the brand-new slaves to breakfast. His face was dark as thunder, his hands and feet encased in white thin bandages. The flashes of golden collars as he dispersed the new gems around eager Masters fisted my heart with rage.
Shifting in my chair, doing my best to hide that rage, I pasted a smile on my face as Victor sat down and smoothed his white knitted jumper and grey slacks. Taking his coffee, he sniffed it and shuddered dramatically. “I tell you, Henri, there’s nothing better than a good brew before an afternoon of pleasure.” He sipped it, leaving a milky moustache. “By the way, how are you feeling this morning? I take it that was your first time using Viagra? No heart palpitations? No jitters?”
Taking Ily’s empty plate, I placed it beside mine and reclined. Ignoring the sneers and jests of the Masters as they poked and squeezed the new jewels, I focused entirely on being the best friend Victor had ever had. I winked. “I made use of the effects, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Yes, I skimmed the footage this morning.” He nodded, licking away the milk on his upper lip. “A shower fuck and missionary. How very old-fashioned of you.”
I laughed, doing my best to remember how it felt to be so light-hearted after Ruby Tears. How happy I’d been to be free. “You know what? I’ve never actually fucked in missionary before. Couldn’t seem to keep it up.” I tipped my chin. “Thanks to you, I got to see what all the fuss was about.”
“Meh.” I shrugged with a chuckle. “I think I prefer them bound and bleeding.”
“That’s my boy.” He saluted me with his coffee cup.
Deep in my memories, my father’s voice echoed too. The same line. Gifted to me for raping one of his harem.
“Well, I can tell you right now, missionary will definitely not be on today’s menu. However…” He canted his head. “I must ask, what on earth were you talking about for so long last night? You and those whispers, mon ami.” His gaze flickered to Ily. “I have no idea why she fascinates you so. It’s certainly not her ability in bed. I had to indulge in Rachel after you two left. I was feeling wholly unsatisfied.”
“She’s your favourite for a reason.” I swallowed hard, hating I now had intimate knowledge of that favourite. Just like it’d taken Victor to point out I was in love with Ily, I wondered if anyone had pointed out to him that he had strong feelings for Rachel.
He might’ve been willing to kill her but somewhere deep, deep inside him, he might still have a human heart. Rotten and decayed but still there.
I’d felt nothing but shame and regret while being with Rachel, yet with Ily? Fuck, my entire being hummed with electricity.
My fingers strayed to Ily’s shoulder, needing to stroke. The satin of her black dressing gown felt so soft, so feminine.
I snatched my hand back.
We hadn’t spoken this morning—not daring to with the cameras but…we both had our lines and curtain calls and if we were going to play…there’s no time like the present.
How the fuck do I do this again?
“To be honest, Vic…” I raked a hand through my hair, my thoughts a mess on how to lay the ground rules to protect Ily, all while distracting him from whatever her and Peter were planning.
It would fucking help if I knew what those plans were.
Swallowing hard, I shot him a smile. “I do have something I want to say, and I hope you can accept it. I hope you can accept me because thanks to you, I’m finally ready to admit what I need.”
His eyes narrowed with interest. “Oh? I do love a bit of intrigue in the morning.” Finishing his coffee, he placed it back on the saucer. “Go on then. You should know by now I never judge. I only want you to be happy, Henri.” He reached across the table and patted my shoulder.
It took everything not to cringe but the longer I let this roleplay evolve, the more I shut down the parts of myself full of nervousness and fear.
Victor might be the scariest son of a bitch I’d ever met but…he did have a heart. He might happily carve out the hearts of others and sell them on the black market, but with me…for now…he’d willingly stepped into the role of my mentor. What better way to distract him than to appeal to that mentoring father-figure? After all, I had experience in that. I’d learned how to keep my father happy by doing exactly what he wanted.
“You’re right that I’ve been low the past month. I’ve been in a bit of a black place actually, but…thanks to you pushing me last night, I think I know how to be happy. I’ve fought it for a while, but I’m done. I like what I like. It’s time I start enjoying myself.”
“Ah, I’m so glad.” Victor smiled. “I did wonder if I’d annoyed you last night. I know you probably weren’t ready to fuck another, and it probably made you jealous seeing me fuck yours, but…I admit.” He leaned back and waved a hand in my direction. “You seem different this morning. Calmer.”