Page 202 of Sapphire Scars
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I allowed myself to accept what I was about to do.
I was about to whip a woman I’d fallen stupidly in love with.
My life was about to come full circle, and…the chances of me snapping were sky-fucking-high.
But…she’d agreed to fight me back.
As long as she gave me her fire, I could remember where I was.
But her fight will draw out all that darkness.
The beast inside me would take over.
I’d enjoy this far more than I should.
Today might truly be the worst and best fucking day of my life.
The bullwhip warmed in my hand.
My black blood sang.
This was happening.
For better or for worse.
And I suppose I better get started…
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Hearts pounded.
Energy flowed.
Adrenaline drenched my system.
It’d taken absolutely everything not to scream when Victor touched me. My entire body recoiled and rejected him. I felt psychically sick and horribly vulnerable.
Just because I hadn’t watched him abuse me last night didn’t mean my body wasn’t highly, highly aware that this was the man who’d done it. This was the monster that hurt me.
And Henri made me apologise to him.
For show.
I’d seen how much it cut him to do it.
How much his pain matched mine.
That was the only reason I wasn’t a mess.