Page 207 of Sapphire Scars
“Get away from me,” I hissed, committing to this ruse. “I hate you.”
Henri didn’t just freeze, he died.
Perished right before me.
Blackness hooded his eyes.
For a moment, he looked as if he’d throw up—the good parts forbidding him from enjoying this—but then the bad parts…all those parts cultivated in those formative years. The parts that’d evolved from sheer terror and survival sprang into being.
I didn’t need psilocybin to see the devil before me.
Didn’t need bat wings or hallucinations to witness his transformation.
Slowly, ever so slowly, he withdrew his fingers and brought them to his kiss-swollen lips.
Not looking away, he inserted both into his mouth and sucked. Hard.
His moan was pure eroticism. His flicking tongue as he cleaned my flavour from his fingers deliciously perverse.
Finishing the last drop, he grabbed my chin with his wet hand and descended into all that black. “You tell me not to touch you, little nightmare, yet your body fucking drips for me.”
“Go to hell.”
Oh God.
I was prepared to fight him back. To show him I was still here and not broken.
But I wasn’t prepared for the addictive rush of filthy, greedy yearning.
His entire body shuddered. “Only if I can take you with me.”
Victor chuckled as he ran a soft flogger over Rachel’s barely-there baby bump. His eyes flickered to us as if amused by our show.
We couldn’t talk freely. We could barely talk at all on this fucked-up island, but…I trusted Henri.
I trusted in our vow.
And I let go.
I dove into that black.
I let the twisted creature who’d been born the night of the treasure hunt take control. To embrace her fury, her lust, her violence.
“Touch me again, and I’ll make you wish you were dead.”
A gush.
Not a droplet this time but a river of hot, slick, ravenous need.
“Ah, Ily…” Falling on me, he bit my neck above my collar. “Are you sure you want to threaten me?”
“Get off me.”
He chuckled.
The softest hiss of the whip on stone echoed as he flicked it left and right.
An orgasm kindled in my core.