Page 215 of Sapphire Scars
With a wooden groan, the cross righted itself, taking me with it. My head swam as I went from down to up.
Dizziness added to my desire.
Out-of-control hunger only magnified as he grabbed my hips and stroked his thumbs in those maddening little swirls.
I was too far gone to sense him beneath the game we played. Too deep into lust to care about anything but coming. “Please…” I whimpered.
Tracing his thumb over the sore sapphire-branded wounds, he sighed in absolute awe. “It looks like you got mauled by a beast with blue claws. A beast that can spell…”
I looked down.
A crude, primitive H marked my skin forever.
“You…” My words slurred. “Autographed me.”
His eyes snapped closed; he swayed on the spot. When he opened them again, I no longer existed in this world. I was his. Just his. My every thought, breath, and whimper…his.
“So you never forget.” He licked his lips. “Now…tell me, little nightmare. Do you need me? Tell me you need me, and I’ll put you out of your misery.”
It took every ounce of control. Every drop of discipline. But I shook my heavy head and mumbled, “Fuck…you.”
He grinned.
A boyish, blinding grin.
Leaning close, he breathed, “Mon Dieu, je t’aime.” (My God, I love you.)
Pulling away, he laughed for our audience. “Ah, Ilyana, I think you’ll find I’m about to fuck you.” Without warning, he spun me around again. My front whacked against the cross, sending agonising shockwaves through my breasts.
“No,” I panted. “No more.”
“No more? You should know by now not to tell me what to do.” His voice was gravelly with sin as he tripped away from me. “For that, I’ll give you more. Three more before I fuck you. Hold on.”
“No—” I screamed as he flicked his wrist.
The whip sang. Connected. Pain.
This one thinner, crueller—a single bite of torture.
“I need you to suffer,” he groaned. “I need you to know how it feels.”
A faint ringing noise was my only warning as he whipped me again.
Tight and tangy, tormenting and torturous.
I moaned as pain became pleasure. Life became death. And he became the only thing that could save me.
My body took control, preparing to come without any other touch.
I’d never been so sensitive that the very air fondled me.
My insides weren’t just liquid anymore they were molten and glowing and on fire.
The slither of the whip over stone became its signature song as he flicked it one last time and kissed me with leathery, lashing pain.
It bit into my left hip.