Page 219 of Sapphire Scars
We stayed like that for the longest moment.
Gasping and shaking.
Our breathing in sync and hearts colliding.
In the distance, Victor reached his own release, tainting this moment—this profound, crazy moment. I needed to play the part of a Master who just got his dick wet with his jewel, but for now, I was completely enslaved by her.
Nuzzling my way through her sweat-misty hair, I murmured, “Four scars for four things you now own.”
She shuddered.
“You own me, Ily. Body and mind, heart and soul. Forever.”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Hidden beneath the blankets, tucked away from the world and cameras, we knotted each other up in arms and legs and lay still.
I’d never felt so cosy, so comfortable.
Never thought I’d find my place in the arms of someone who battled such demons and won.
His lips skated along my shoulder blade where he hugged me from behind, making my lash marks twinge.
Hug wasn’t the right word. Smothering was better. The way he held me so tightly ought to be claustrophobic, but it only granted safety.
I sighed again, sleep tugging on my eyelashes.
It’d been a long day.
After we’d finally disengaged in the snuffbox and Victor finished with Rachel, all of us were surprisingly quiet. Victor inspected the cuts Henri had given me, then snapped his fingers for Rachel to follow him.
They’d left, and we’d followed.
Henri had taken me to see Dr Belford.
She’d treated the whip welts and cuts but admitted she couldn’t clean out the sapphire dust thanks to Victor’s many rules. Instead, she’d applied a salve to speed up healing and placed a small bandage over my hip and thigh.
We’d returned to our room.
I’d expected to talk or shower or relive the most heightened sexual experience of my life. Only, Henri laid me down, applied more arnica to my lashes, then bundled me beneath the blankets and just held me.
“I’m sorry for hurting you,” he breathed drowsily against my skin. “I’m sorry for what I am.”
I shivered as he kissed my ear.
“You don’t owe me an apology, Hen. You saw how much I enjoyed it.” My cheeks flushed hot.
“Yes, I did see. I felt it too.” A rumbling chuckle vibrated in his chest, tickling my smarting back. “Has that…ever happened to you before?”
I knew what he meant.
The savagery of my climax.