Page 227 of Sapphire Scars
She ducked her chin. She looked so frail and young and afraid.
Sleeping with her meant nothing. It’d been forced on both our accounts. Yet I couldn’t deny a tenderness bloomed inside me. A protectiveness full of despair for how long she’d been Victor’s plaything.
Stepping into me, she kept her voice low. “I see the way you look at her. I know how much it broke you to have to…to have to be with me. But I hope you know I’m grateful it was you he shared me with. You didn’t hurt me. You’re willing to help us. And you’re doing something no one else has done. Ily’s very lucky to have you.”
She scurried away before I could reply.
I exhaled heavily.
My nape prickled as I braced myself and looked at Peter.
Standing with his back against the pantry wall and arms crossed, he arched his chin. “You better come closer so the cameras can’t see you.”
Sucking in a breath and all my restraint, I stepped deeper into the shadows and fought back the shadows within me.
I had no idea how or where to start.
This was his show. His plan.
We didn’t speak for ages, animosity crackling loudly between us.
His fingers dug into his biceps as he crossed his arms tighter. “I’m going to say a few things, and once I’ve said them, that’s it, okay? Bygones.”
I nodded warily. “Okay…”
“Thank you for carrying me back to the castle.” His cheeks pinked. “I hate that it happened but…thank you.”
I reared back, not expecting that. “Eh…you’re welcome?”
“Don’t think that one act of kindness means I suddenly like you. I don’t.” He sniffed with his chin in the air. “In fact, I can’t stand you because I know what you are and this tame front you’re putting on doesn’t fool me. I’ve always told Ily you were the worst of the lot, and I stand by that, even now.”
“You what?” My knuckles cracked as I balled my hands. “You told her I was the worst?”
“I did and I’m right. The way you stabbed…” He shook his head. “The way you shut down your humanity that night. Only a psychopath can do that, and I’m still not convinced that isn’t what you are. This could be some kind of ploy to make us trust you, only for you to deliver us up to Vic.”
I glowered at him. “Then what the fuck am I doing here?”
“Because we don’t have any other choice.”
“So you figured you’d get me on your side by calling me a psychopath and kissing Ily in front of me?” I chuckled blackly. “You’re lucky I don’t punch you.”
“Ily is my friend.”
“Bullshit.” I coughed.
“Excuse me?”
He wanted to do this?
Okay then.
I hadn’t come here to hurt him. In fact, I clung to my best behaviour because I felt sorry for the bastard. But…if he wanted to play…I’ll fucking play.
Stepping into him, crowding him against the wall, I smirked from my taller height. “Alright…you asked for this. You say you know me? Well, I know you. I know that you’re in love with her. I know that you want her. You think she’ll choose you over me because you’re the good guy in all of this, and the good guy always wins.”
His eyes flashed, true fury appearing. “You’re right. I am the good guy. So what does that make you?”