Page 241 of Sapphire Scars
Ily went straight to the recycling shed by the kitchens.
She took Mollie and Rachel with her.
Peter refused.
He preferred to run with the others, doing his best to put himself in danger over them.
As the silvery cast of the moon revealed Masters darting around in the dark, some getting lucky and catching unfortunate jewels, I stood guard on the threshold of the shed and protected my heart, a pregnant girl, and a friend.
The next day, Peter came to breakfast hobbling on feet that’d healed, covered in fresh bruises that had not.
My chest had grown tight.
I’d had the unbearable urge to leash him to me so no one else could hurt him.
By the end of September, Victor had to go away for a week on business, leaving our nights to ourselves once again.
I’d prepared to leave Ily alone—now that we weren’t forced to fuck in front of the man who pulled our strings, we didn’t have to put on a show.
But the first night Victor was gone, Ily broke into a run after dinner.
She darted into the gardens.
I’d caught her in the maze.
She’d cursed me.
I’d forced her to her knees.
She screamed as I fingered her.
And begged as I fucked her.
With no one watching our performance, we didn’t have to be so reckless or so feral.
We could’ve been sweet. Soft. Gentle.
But…Ily was right.
The longer we played these twisted games, the sicker we became.
We were lost.
Well and truly corrupted.
And I had no idea what would become of us if we kept doing this.
* * * * *
Henri Mercer
I truly am my father’s son.
The things I’ve done to my jewel.