Page 250 of Sapphire Scars
I looked deep into their eyes and judged the flickerings of love I saw there.
And I made a decision.
One that I hoped wouldn’t kill us.
Both men exhaled heavily. “Thank God.”
“On one condition.”
“Anything.” Ben nodded. “We’re not about to mess this up.”
“We don’t talk about this ever again. You don’t talk about this ever again. Tell the guards to leave weapons in as many places as possible and have them inform you of the locations, but that’s it. Do not do a damn thing to make Victor suspect. You’re aware as much as I am how smart and cunning he is.”
“Done.” Stewart balled his hands in Penelope’s hair. “Once the guns are in place, I’ll tell Pen, and she’ll tell the rest.”
“Pleasure doing business with you, gentlemen.” Ben grinned as if a weight had lifted off his shoulders. “And now for the finale.” His grin turned to a grimace, his hips jerked, his shoulders rolled. He faked the throes of an orgasm before tripping away from Abby and tucking himself away.
Without a word, he gave us all a look, snapped his fingers, and vanished into the dark with his jewel.
“Ho ho ho.” Stewart smiled, faking his own release before tapping Penelope on the head and shoving his unspent cock back home. “Let’s hope Santa doesn’t have us on his naughty list this Christmas.”
The night snatched him and his jewel as they disappeared into the maze.
I stood staring after them, hoping like fuck I’d made the right choice.
The sound of my zipper coming down jerked my gaze to Ily still on her knees. “What are you—?”
“You’re still hard.” Her eyes flashed. “And if I have my way, you won’t be faking anything.”
Chapter Thirty-Three
So sheer it hid nothing, so many layers it made my physical body look as if I’d become a creature made of light.
Turning in front of the mirror in our bedroom, I plucked the floaty whiteness, watching as the fabric whispered back to the other layers, looking like closed flower petals. The halter top wrapped tight around my throat, the train behind me as translucent and cobweblike as the rest.
Set against the black of my hair and rich tan of my skin, I had to admit…pure white rather suited me. The small crown I wore glittered with a million cubic zirconia. I might not have gotten my wish to wear the Crown Jewels, but tonight, I’d been transformed into a princess.
Victor had spent the past few weeks planning this masked ball for Halloween.
Our costumes had arrived this morning.
The energy in the fortress buzzed with anticipation and intrigue.
Last Monday, most of the Masters flew back to their families and despite it being a weekend now—the busiest time here at Joyero—only ten Masters had flown back in. The rest were either celebrating in their own way or not invited to Victor’s event.
Ben and Stewart had nodded at us over breakfast.