Page 261 of Sapphire Scars
Their eyes.
Their fear.
Peter was right.
The energy in this place was all twisted and wrong. Building, gathering, hissing and slithering…growing sharper and colder and—
“Henri.” Victor raised his glass. “You have continued to impress me these past few months. We have so much fun together, and…I truly mean it when I say I see myself in you. I see you growing into who you truly are. I see the man you will be when you’re finally free. So…just like I’ve taken it upon myself to push you along your journey, consider this my final push.”
Heavy anticipation filled the Great Hall.
Peter snagged my wrist and pulled me toward the exit.
I tripped and stumbled, all while I looked back and caught Victor’s noxious eyes. He waved. He chuckled. Four guards cut in front of us and stopped us in our tracks.
Henri stood frozen on the stage.
“You asked me for a lifetime membership?” Victor smiled at Henri. “Tonight, I will grant it. Your probational period is over, mon ami. I am ready to welcome you completely. And, in a show of good faith and to prove how grateful I am for your friendship, I won’t take all your money. We’ll split it. Fifty-fifty. Not only will you inherit my home, but you will also have the funds to look after my boy if need be.”
Peter stood panting beside me.
Prickles of terror stabbed down my legs.
The urge to flee grew stronger, stronger.
My heart stopped as Victor snapped his fingers at a waiter then pointed at Henri.
A glass of alcohol was placed into Henri’s slack hand.
It woke him up.
Fury blazed in his gaze before he covered it up with a look of respect and gratitude. “Merci, Vic. I’m…honoured.”
“No, no, my friend, it’s me who is honoured. I’m aware you haven’t given me your answer but I’m making it for you. Congrats on being my son’s godfather. He couldn’t have a better one. Now, drink.” Clinking his glass to Henri’s, he didn’t take his eyes off him as Henri shot it back and cleared his throat.
“Fabuleux!” Tossing his empty glass at Rachel, Victor spread his arms. “And now, gentlemen. If you’ll leave your jewels behind and all follow me. The final part of tonight is ready.” He strode off the stage, his cape wafting like the night as he swooped toward me and Peter.
He reached us before the crowd.
He sucked us into his evil the second he arrived.
Dropping the gentile persona and revealing his true murderous colours, he fisted my wrist and pressed his mouth to my ear. “Did you honestly think I didn’t know, Ilyana? Did you truly think you could get something as ridiculous as escape past me?” He pulled back, clucking his tongue. “And you, Peter.” His eyes snaked to Paavak. “You’ve disappointed me. You’ve gutted me. This is the loyalty you show me after everything I have done for you?” He shrugged and yanked me into him. “So be it. So fucking be it, you two ungrateful little shits. Just remember you’re the ones who forced my hand. You did this. You are responsible for tonight.” His lips pulled back, his voice low and trembling. “You two fucking sicken me. Running around like mice in the dark. Visiting my kitchens. Turning my jewels against me. You must be suicidal to believe you could hide your little games from me. The cleaners? The chemicals? Ha!” He laughed and looked over his shoulder as Henri came toward us.
Keeping his voice too low for Henri to hear, he hissed, “I’m done letting you cause rot in my home. You and your little whispers and rebellions. It was pointless. Useless. You’ve lost and I’ll punish all those you dragged into this fatal little scheme. You want freedom so badly? Well then, you shall fucking have it.”
The guards broke their wall in front of us as Victor stalked forward, dragging me beside him.
Peter let me go.
He fell back.
But Victor said politely, “Guards, please ensure Peter joins us. He’s a guest of honour tonight.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Seamlessly, two black-suited men slipped into place, stepping into line behind me and Victor, blocking Peter between us and preventing Henri from getting too close. Victor grinned over his shoulder. “Are you ready, mon ami?”
Henri vibrated with energy.