Page 268 of Sapphire Scars
“We’re here,” Victor announced, his voice echoing off stone.
With my heart already turning over in its grave and my skin slick with icy sweat, we all spilled out into a familiar cave.
One with an altar.
A cupboard full of skulls.
And seats for devils to watch.
Chapter Thirty-Five
I DIDN’T SCREAM AS VICTOR snapped his fingers and two guards grabbed me around my arms and legs and plucked me from the ground.
I didn’t scream as they spread me on the stony, icy altar with its grooves for blood and cauldron to catch my essence.
I didn’t scream as heavy, thick straps were tossed over my ankles and buckled down tight.
I didn’t scream as my golden cuffs were tethered onto hooks and my collar snapped into place with a mechanism in the stone, choking me, keeping my head down, my chest exposed, and every part of me ready to be sacrificed.
I didn’t scream.
In this dimension.
But in all the rest?
I screamed and screamed until my soul was hoarse, and every lifetime rippled back.
Tears trickled down my face as my heart cracked and bled.
I’d never see Krish again. Never kiss my mum or hug my dad. I’d never cook with my auntie again or ride my bike to visit my cousin at the local gemstone. I’d never get to kiss Henri again or dance with Peter again or breathe fresh air or see the night sky again.
I had minutes.
Mere minutes.
And I wouldn’t waste them by screaming.
I couldn’t raise my head, but I could turn.
I looked for him.
Needed him.
I shuddered with relief as our eyes touched.
God, Henri.
His grey gaze looked like ash. The fire in his soul burned out until nothing but coal and char remained. His skin pulled tight around worn eyes, his mask unable to hide his fear. His mouth so thin and his cheeks so stark, he looked skeletal in the harsh light.
I might live in terror, but he wore it.
Both of us painted forever by horror.