Page 29 of Sapphire Scars
It took some organisation and a lot of achy, chilly bones, but we managed to clamber to our feet and bring Peter with us. Among the three of us, we held him dangling in our shaking embrace.
Slipping the knife Caishen had given me into the back of my underwear, I hoped to God I wouldn’t have to use it.
“Should we be worried that he’s not waking up?” Rachel whispered.
“His system has shut down. A person can only survive in shock for so long.” Mollie shifted her hold on him. “He might rally, he might not. I hope you girls are feeling strong.”
“We need to talk about blowing up this island,” I said, refusing to think about a scenario where Peter never woke up.
Rachel snickered. “Yeah, okay. Can we get out of the caves first?”
“The caves might be the best place to plan an uprising.”
“Not if we drown, it isn’t,” she snapped.
“Everyone ready?” Mollie asked. “Focus.”
Her voice seemed too loud in the pitch black, but her strength bolstered me.
We were moving. Finally.
We would be safe. Hopefully.
Today is almost over.
And tomorrow…we’ll build a bomb.
“Lead the way.” Rachel sniffed. “I’m so ready for a hot shower. I don’t even care if I get raped for the privilege.”
“Let’s go.” Mollie tugged on her part of Peter, guiding us toward the crack where the others had vanished.
We walked slowly, gingerly, blindly.
It took an age.
It took all our waning strength to half-carry, half-drag Peter, but we would make it.
None of us would give up.
I’d been lucky enough to find two of the strongest girls I’d ever met and—
“Oh shit.” Mollie slammed to a stop, sending a ripple down our chain.
“Oh shit, what?” Rachel asked. “You know I don’t like it when you say things like that, Mols. Makes my imagination go into overdrive.”
I shivered as water lapped up my ankles, freezing my toes with insidious frostbite.
“The water is coming from the direction we need to go in,” Mollie muttered. “And it’s coming in fast.”
“So…what does that mean?” Rachel asked.
“It means…we can’t go that way.”
“But that’s the only way out.” I did my best to stay calm. “If we hurry, surely we can make it. The tide doesn’t come in that quickly.”
“You obviously don’t have a lot of experience with the sea. It can rise fast, and I’m not willing to take that chance.” Mollie turned, taking us all with her. “Damn.”
“Well, we can’t stay here,” Rachel gasped. “If the water is coming in that quickly, then…”