Page 32 of Sapphire Scars
She sighed, but then…
…the faintest breeze.
A lick of cool.
A kiss of freshness.
I gasped on a sob.
Not dank and cave stagnant.
But alive.
Bracken and soil and trees.
We glanced at each other.
Without a word, we wriggled into the crack.
I went first and dragged Peter with me.
They went second and pushed.
Together, we inched our way into the light.
* * * * *
I’d endured some horrible things since Henri targeted me and brought me here.
I’d had to dig deep to stay sane and draw from strength I didn’t know I had.
But that journey…good God, it was hard.
Time lost all meaning as we climbed and crawled, tugged and dragged each other up and up and up. At one point, it felt as if we traversed a ladder made of rock and pebbles. The next we were in a chute made of stone.
Everything hurt.
Every muscle engaged to pull Peter behind me all while the two girls shoved him just a little each time.
The knife dug into my lower back, and cuts decorated every part of us.
Little slices as we travelled as if the cave demanded a cost in the currency of our blood.
Peter flickered in and out of consciousness.
At one point, he woke with a start and fought our hold.
The next, he woke up screaming.
Luckily or unluckily, he didn’t remain conscious for long.
And we had no choice but to keep going.
Climbing higher and higher.
Light growing brighter and brighter.
The air cleaner and cleaner.