Page 39 of Sapphire Scars
Beneath him, I barely made out the bare legs of a jewel.
A jewel covered head to toe in scarlet red.
Her blood—
Everything switched off.
Every longing.
Every loneliness.
Every need for love.
That was the moment.
The last moment.
The final moment of my humanity.
I dropped over the lip of the cave and descended into hell.
Chapter Seven
So, so much.
Too much.
I couldn’t breathe. Think. Or move.
Hands on my body, smearing the crimson paint.
Red gloop in my eyes from him shoving a handful of pigment over my face.
The clatter of the knife as he picked it up.
The first sting as he—
“What the fuc—”
A cursing Master never finished his sentence.
The sickest thwack followed by a thud.
Rachel stopped screaming.
I didn’t know what was worse.
Knowing she was being hurt or not knowing if she was dead.
Mollie yelled something I didn’t catch.