Page 53 of Sapphire Scars
The thought of staying in Henri’s company after he yelled…
God, I felt like a naughty child about to be spanked.
“See you later, Mercer.” With a quick salute, Victor strolled toward the games room.
“Night.” Giving me a guarded look, Henri snapped, “Come on.”
He started a weary, slow climb up the stairs.
And I had no choice but to follow him.
Chapter Ten
My arms.
My toes.
My soul.
I’d struggled to stay sane the entire walk back to the castle. Carrying Peter had drained the rest of my nonexistent reserves, and having Ily, Mollie, and Rachel stare at my back as I led them home drove me closer and closer to the bottomless black pit in my mind.
I’d snapped when I’d stabbed Kyle a million times.
I’d snapped when I’d strangled Charles.
I’d snapped on my own in that glow worm-dotted cave, drowning in the darkness—screaming into the abyss all while it swallowed me whole.
I needed to be alone.
I needed to rock in the motherfucking corner and figure out how to fix the mess inside me.
They vouched for me.
My rotten heart fisted all over again.
Why put themselves at risk?
I didn’t have time for such questions.
Didn’t have the capacity to care about the answers.
Shutting everything down, I ignored Ily’s quiet breathing behind me as we finished climbing and headed down the corridor toward Victor’s dead zoo and Dr Belford’s chambers.
Peter moaned in my arms as I pounded a fist on the door.
A cold draft cut through my damp clothes, and my chilled bones added another level of torment.
My temper fractured.
I felt borderline insane. Itchy with the need to get Peter far away from me and to shove away all the mistakes I’d made today. “Open up!” I bellowed. “Now.”