Page 55 of Sapphire Scars
“Ow. Yep.” Ily sucked in a groan. “But…please don’t worry about me. I’m fine. Fix Peter—”
“It might be a fracture,” the doctor spoke over her. “You need to lie down.”
Fury kindled in me all over again.
The image of that psychopath shooting her at close range.
The pock-pock-pock of bullets.
The explosion of red as if he pried her open to feast.
It’d taken everything I had not to tear off his hands, scoop out his eyes, and rip out his stinking entrails.
Ily shook her head again. “No, no. I’m okay. Honestly, it’s just a bruise. Peter needs you far more—”
“If any of your ribs are broken, you might puncture your lungs if I don’t treat you.” She gave Ily a quick once-over. “Is there anything else broken? Fingers, toes, arms, legs? No sense of building pressure in your chest or abdomen?”
My ears rang with her questions.
Ily closed her eyes, her voice scarily quiet. “No, no. I’m fine.”
“Are you lightheaded because of lack of food, or have you been struck in the head?”
Ily flinched as she looked at Peter and the frothing bowl. “Please don’t mention food.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?” The doctor held up her hand.
Glowering at me, Belford hissed, “What exactly did you do to her?”
My hackles rose. “That’s none of your concern.”
“It is as her physician. Did you toss her about? Hit her head? Did you use toys on her? Fuck her? How roughly did you take her?”
Yeah, after the shitty day I’d had, those questions tipped me the fuck over.
“Fuck you and fuck your questions.” I vibrated with enough rage to explode her rooms into splinters. “I’m trying really fucking hard not to hurt you but if you don’t give me what I need, let Ily go, and shut the fuck up, I will snap. And you do not want to make me snap.”
I swallowed blackness. Choked on madness.
Doing my best to leash myself, I hissed, “Give her back to me. Right fucking now.”
Her fingers locked on Ily’s arm. “She needs to sit down and be examin—”
“Ahhh!!” Peter suddenly woke up screaming as Rose cleaned his maimed hand with cotton.
Ily backed up, breaking the doctor’s hold on her. “I can’t stay here. I can’t—”
“It’s okay. I can put you in my room—”
“She’s coming with me.” I shifted the bowl of supplies, ready to grab Ily’s wrist. “I’m not leaving her here.”
“She’s covered in contusions. She might have internal bleeding thanks to the soft tissue bruises.” Dr Belford almost spat on my feet as her rancour grew. “You shot her like an animal. I’ve had enough of you creeps. All of you. I wish you’d just—”
“Melanie.” The nurse left a catatonic Peter and darted to her colleague. “Remember where you are, who he is, and calm down, alright?”
Melanie’s nostrils flared as she sucked in a breath.