Page 62 of Sapphire Scars
Groaning, I commanded my muscles to brace and spine to straighten. Catching my stare in the mirror, I flinched at the creature staring back. My skin was bone white and eyes haunted as a graveyard.
But at least I hadn’t been devoured by the darkness…
Finding a paper-wrapped toothbrush in the drawer, I brushed, rinsed, then grabbed the largest gauze in the medical supplies and slapped it over my arm. My blood dripped over the vanity and floor. I didn’t want to bleed over Ily while I tended to her.
I couldn’t exactly do much for her apart from coating her entire body in arnica.
I was familiar with the homeopathic cream, thanks to my mother.
She’d always been jumpy. If I walked into a room without her hearing me, she’d often crash into a cupboard or doorframe as she turned around and noticed me.
I’d hated seeing her hurt because of me.
I’d accepted that every bruise she carried were constant reminders that even though we were family, she acted as if I was her enemy.
And now, Ily is bruised.
Because of you.
The clawing in my chest returned.
The swirling blackness and wretched depression.
While she’d been covered in paint, it’d been hard to see the totality of her bruises.
But now?
Fucking Christ, every inch of her wonderful body was a blazing reminder of what I’d done.
She hates me…
Swallowing hard, I did my best to shut down the slicing pain in my heart.
The abyss pounced all over again.
I sank into the black.
Chapter Eleven
I blinked as my fingers dug into the exquisitely soft bed, clinging tightly as if gravity would let go of me at any moment, and I’d drift around the room like an untethered balloon.
The mental picture of me bouncing off the ceiling and rolling down the curtains made me giggle.
Oh God—
Slamming a hand over my mouth, I tried to stop the rapid rising of inappropriate humour. My arms throbbed where they bent at my elbows, a reminder that bruises covered most of me.
I hadn’t dared look in the foggy mirror to see how bad I looked. Then again, the soft spinning in my head didn’t really care.