Page 94 of Sapphire Scars
I wanted his teeth. Needed those pinpricks of pain.
“Again. Bite me again.”
“What?” His pace stuttered.
“Hurt me.”
His eyes flashed in the darkness, full of silver fury. “No.”
Temper made me sharp. “You made me this way, and now you’re denying me?”
He couldn’t reply.
“Do it.” Leaning forward, I pressed my throat to his mouth. “Bite me. Mark me.”
He moaned as if I’d torn out yet another vital piece of him.
The hot puff of his breath. The promise of his teeth.
“Please…” I arched again, offering myself up, begging him to take the bait.
His heart pounded against mine. A drumbeat full of tribal war.
“You’ve killed me twice tonight,” he breathed just before he pounced.
“You are destined to destroy each other.”
I gasped as his teeth sank into my throat.
The pressure of his bite.
The puncture of his incisors.
I screamed.
Not in pain.
But in ecstasy.
His hips pistoned up, bouncing me on his lap as he hugged me and fucked me, bit me and loved me.
I tumbled into that blinding light.
My body detonated with a million blazing shards. Rippling with ecstatic waves, I became one with life and loss and love.
Henri roared beneath me.
His orgasm spurted in thick, body-wracking jerks.
I lost track of time as we transcended that bed, that room, that fortress, and for a few microseconds of freedom, we weren’t blood and bone but air and energy instead.
And then, it was over.
And the crash back to earth hurt worse than anything.
Every injury from today welcomed me back. Every awful bump and bruise.
“This match will not last.”