Page 23 of Precious Things
Benjamin brought her nerves to life. Her senses were finely tuned to every move he made, every word he said, and every nuance of his body. Jewell decided to forego her normal morning routine and go directly into Benjamin's office. Besides, most of the morning was gone anyway. The routine seemed silly at this point. With a smile, she wondered if he was as tired as she. Jewell peeked through the open door.
Benjamin reclined in his chair. His elbow rested on the arm and folded fingers supported his temple. Just as he had on the couch the night before, one ankle rested on the opposite knee in a relaxed position. Jewell giggled when he stifled a yawn behind his hand and blinked his eyes to focus again on the papers in his lap.
Jewell walked in, not bothering with the cane at the door. He looked up and his slow smile sent butterflies fluttering behind her ribcage. There was a faint glimpse of mischief in his eyes. Benjamin sat forward and set down his papers.
"Good morning."
With her hip leaned into the desk edge, Jewell said good morning back. "Are you as tired as I am?"
His smile widened. "I'm exhausted."
Jewell felt like the night before was some wonderful secret to be shared between just the two of them. Not a shameful or indecent secret. Just a special, private one for her and Benjamin. He wore a dress shirt and silk tie, but the image of Benjamin in worn jeans and a well-fitting tee shirt stayed prominent in her mind. She knew beneath the loose Van Heusen shirt his arms were muscular and his chest defined.
"I'm sorry I'm late," she said. "I didn't wake up until well after eight this morning. Ruby didn't even wake me up when she left for school."
Benjamin came up out of his chair and stood near her, his hands pushed deep into the pockets of his trousers. His gaze moved over her face and hair. She wore the rebellious mass down today, with just a gold clip at her crown to hold back the worst of the curls around her face. The thick underside was still damp from her perfunctory shower, and there hadn't been time to fidget with it enough to get it up in a professional style. As fast as she dressed that morning, it was a miracle she managed to put on matching shoes. Her entire body flushed when he touched some of the long tresses behind her ear.
"You were sound asleep when I left," he said in a slow voice. "I was careful not to wake you."
A small shudder danced up Jewell's spine. She shifted to hide the effect of his nearness. Jewell found it harder to breathe in a steady rhythm. Her pulse throbbed at the base of her throat. A trembling hand reached up to cover the spot. The pounding seemed so violent she thought he must be able to see it. If she were anyone else hearing their conversation, she would assume they had spent the night together. They had, but not in the most carnal of ways.
"What time did you leave?" she asked. She was afraid to sign. He would surely see the tremors in her hands if she did.
Benjamin shook his head slowly. His powerful gaze held hers. "After five."
He stepped closer. Jewell's bottom rested on the edge of the desk, and Benjamin stood so close their bodies nearly touched. But not quite. Her knees felt weak. Before she had the chance to rationalize the stupidity of her actions, Jewell reached out and took his tie between her fingers. She smoothed it down his chest and felt his abdominal muscles tense when her knuckles brushed the buttons of his shirt.
Don't do this, Jewell! Don't let this happen! He's your boss. You're kidding yourself.
Jewell ignored the warnings screaming in her mind. With all the strength she could muster, she lifted her chin and met his stare. The smoldering depths of his brown eyes burned deep into her soul.
Benjamin raised his hands and made small signs in the minimal space left between their bodies. When he spoke to her, his fingertip brushed the lapel of her suit jacket.
"Will your boyfriend be upset when he finds out we spent the night together on your couch?"
"Boyfriend?" she asked. Her hands on the edge of the desk were the only things holding her upright.
"Greg Jacobs. The big guy I met at your apartment."
His finger lingered on the fabric of her clothing. Jewell looked down to watch his touch brush her blouse. She was painfully aware of how close his hands were to her breasts. One curl fell forward over her shoulder, and he let it brush the back of his hand.
Jewell drew in a slow breath to ease the burning in her lungs. She shook her head. Benjamin's fingers pushed up into her hair and wrapped around the column of her neck, her copper curls intertwined amongst them. His thumb pressed against the pulse spot beneath her jaw. Her heartbeat pounded against the pressure.
The shrinking space between them drew her gaze. His hips made contact with hers. Gentle pressure pushed her back into the desk's edge. Jewell drew in a sharp breath.
"He's not my boyfriend," she whispered.
His thumb nudged her chin upward. Slight furrows wrinkled his brow, questioning her, and she realized her foolishness. Benjamin couldn't read her lips when she looked down. The extraordinary blaze and glow of his brown eyes looking down at her forced her heart to skip a beat. Her lips parted, and she struggled to keep her thoughts in order. Was this really happening?
"He's not my boyfriend," she managed to say again. The volume of her voice was almost indiscernible.
The space closed further. His body settled against hers, and Jewell was acutely, almost painfully, aware of his hard contours.
"He isn't?" An irresistibly devastating grin tugged at his lips and his eyelids lowered as his gaze fell on her lips.
The effect was as tangible and powerful as a caress. She tried to shake her head, but couldn't stand to move away from his touch. Acting practically on its own accord, Jewell's hand moved from the desk's edge to his trim waist. His breath caught and Jewell smiled at the involuntary reaction her touch created in him. It gave her a heady sense of power over a man who was infamous for his intimidation of others. Riding on the euphoria of her newfound ability, Jewell shifted her body against him and watched the muscle jump along his jaw.
"No," she managed to say. "He's my best friend."