Page 57 of Precious Things
She collided immediately with a solid force. Arms circled her and kept her from falling. Jewell looked up into Benjamin's surprised face and his hold momentarily tightened around her. He dropped his arms away as soon as she had her balance.
"What's got you running so fast?" he signed.
Jewell looked over her shoulder in an impulsive reaction. Benjamin followed her gaze and his face hardened when he saw his father. His rock-solid stare came back to her and his hands gripped her upper arms.
"What did he say to you?"
She shook her head, hoping her lack of explanation would let the situation die without incident. Mr. Roth reached past Jewell to grab Benjamin's arm. His action shoved Jewell forward into Benjamin's chest again. Her chin bumped his shoulder and she bit her lip, the coppery taste of blood assaulting her tongue. Jewell felt like a ball in an arcade game. When her hands touched Benjamin's torso in an attempt to stay upright, he flinched away. The knee-jerk action grabbed and squeezed Jewell's heart in a painful thrust.
Benjamin immediately yanked his arm away from his father's grip, and in the same motion, put himself between Jewell and his father, shoving her behind his back. His father pointed his finger in Benjamin's face, only an inch from his nose.
"Keep your little whore away from your mother. She isn't to be upset."
"She didn't upset me, Jon. The girl is very?—"
"Be quiet, Barbara," Jon shouted as he turned back abruptly to the doorway.
Jewell flinched at the harshness and loudness of Jon Roth's voice. The older man turned to them again and was met by Benjamin's fist. He stumbled back and hit the wall. Before Mr. Roth could recover and possibly retaliate, Jewell pushed back on Benjamin's chest and urged him to move away down the hall. She glanced back to see Mr. Roth touch the bloodied corner of his lips with his knuckle.
She couldn't look at Benjamin until they reached her bedroom. He pulled her along and propelled her forward when they reached the room. Jewell went through the door first and Benjamin slammed it shut behind him. The sound made Jewell jump. The raw ends of her nerves sparked and her stomach tumbled. Where did her intentions to be helpful go wrong? What happened? Her thoughts raced and Jewell fought tears of panic as she moved to the window.
A gentle wind stirred the tree branches outside. The bright oranges and reds and lush green lawn belied the chaos within the house walls. She drew a deep, long breath in through her nose and released it with a huff.
Benjamin came to her side and pulled her around to face him. His face was angry and deep furrows marked his brow. Darkened eyes skimmed her face and Jewell tried to look away before tears ran down her cheek. His thumb skimmed the corner of her mouth, coming away with a tinge of blood on his skin.
"What happened?" he demanded.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what I did."
The stress of the last few days, and the restraint she forced on herself, was suddenly too much for Jewell's frazzled nerves. She had no comprehension of this family's workings or what the rules of the game were. This opulent house and cruel family dynamic were so far removed from her understanding that she knew it would take a lifetime to even begin to make sense of it all. But right now, it was too much. The violence, the anger, and the resentment that all seemed without instigation by those receiving the brunt of the backlash, finally hit her with the force of a punch in the gut.
Benjamin grabbed her arms near the shoulder and forced her to meet his gaze with a quick jerk. She caught her breath and looked into his sharp face.
“Jewell,” he snapped.
Jewell took a breath and nodded her head. "I'm okay now."
He released her arms, and Jewell immediately felt the loss of his touch. Her body swayed towards him, the magnetic pull of his body tugging her off balance. Jewell steadied herself and crossed her arms over her stomach. Physical contact between them had lessened to a bare existence in the last two days. She hungered for even the briefest comfort, whether a touch of his hand or a kiss of his lips on her hair. Passionate glances and desperate embraces weren't appropriate, or even really wanted, at a time like this. But a reassuring moment in each other's arms would mean the world to her right now. Benjamin took one step back and shoved his hands into his pockets.
"Tell me what happened."
Jewell leaned her back against the frame of the window behind her. She flipped her hair back behind her shoulder and sighed.
"I was sitting in the hall to call April and tell her we won't be in until the end of the week. When I hung up, I heard your mother say something from one of the rooms. I just went in to speak with her for a minute or two. She seemed tired and overly medicated. When I went to leave, your father was at the door. He was furious I was there and told me I wasn't to bother her, so I tried to leave."
His frown was deep and overpowered his face. Benjamin started to turn away, but Jewell grabbed his arm. She gently urged his hand from his pocket and laced her fingers with his. He stared down at their joined hands for several moments before looking up.
"I'm sorry, Benjamin," she said in apology for all the pain, memories, and whatever she might have done to fuel the fire.
He pulled his hand free of hers and turned to walk away. Jewell quickly stepped forward and got in front of him, planting her palms against his chest to stop him. His eyes rounded with surprise. Before Benjamin could pull away again, she closed the small space between them and curled her fingers into his shirt. A deep, long breath filled his chest and one warm palm covered the back of her hand.
"Benjamin, please stay here and talk to me."
He shook his head. "Not now, Jewell."
"You're pulling away from me."
Benjamin stared down at her. Jewell saw a slight softening of the worry lines around his eyes, and his frown straightened. It wasn't a smile, but no longer a scowl. He laid his palm against her cheek and Jewell turned into its warmth. She wrapped her fingers around his wrist and looked up at him. Jewell held her breath as he leaned forward. His lips pressed against her opposite cheek, then both hand and lips left and he moved away.