Page 6 of Precious Things
Jewell was surprised a man known for his aggressive investment style wouldn't snatch up a company he believed in at the first opportunity. Buying at Initial Offering Price would provide him with the benefit of any gain the company had from that point on.
He shrugged, and in the action, Jewell recognized a kind of concession, like maybe the decision wasn't fully one with which he agreed. Fund Managers held a great deal of power when it came to the buying and selling of securities within a mutual fund, but the guidelines and prospectus were predetermined by the fund trustees. Perhaps the trustees were more conservative than Benjamin Roth.
"The trustees have chosen to avoid IPOs in this particular fund. It isn't provided for in the prospectus."
Jewell nodded and scanned the paperwork he gave her. There were printouts of articles from the Wall Street Journal and some other trade magazines, Internet articles on tech offered by the firm, as well as various figures regarding growth. The first page also listed some technological advancements and devices offered by the company. She was impressed by the profits already achieved in the first quarter of the year.
"You seem to have a great deal of information on Hirotachi already."
"Numbers, yes. I want more than that. I want to understand their philosophy and business plan before I determine their growth potential."
Jewell understood his approach and nodded. "When would you like it by?"
"One week."
She saw the challenge in his eyes. He tested her willingness to jump in with both feet and her confidence to get the job done. Jewell raised her chin slightly and met his gaze. A slow smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
"I'll have it to you by Thursday afternoon."
The corner of his eyes wrinkled when he smiled. It was a full, honest grin. She had just met the challenge. Now all she had to do was carry through with it.
"Good," he answered. "Do you have anything you want to cover now?"
She nodded and closed the folder, putting her full attention on him. “We've spoken verbally for the most part, but is that your preference? Or do you prefer Sign? Here, when it's just us." She cleared her throat and was thankful he couldn't hear the nervous twitter in her voice.
"Manual communication allows us to speak freely, without worrying about being overheard," he answered with a shrug, his hands moving fluidly. "Not that there is a great deal discussed here of a confidential manner. Unless your hands are otherwise occupied, or speech seems more prudent, we will stay with Sign."
Jewell bobbed her 'a' hand in affirmation. "Fine. Outside of us, I'll use my best judgment. Have you used an interpreter before?"
He shook his head. "I've never met someone fluent enough and had enough knowledge to be useful. Anything else?"
"No, Mr. Roth."
"Good. Because I do."
Jewell sat back in her chair. The hardest part about this job, and she could tell it would be ongoing, was having to constantly meet his gaze. He had such an intense face and overpowering stare, that it was hard not to look away and regain her composure. However, the very nature of her position—and her personal experience—dictated that eye contact was not only important but also necessary.
"I believe in formality. Everyone here, except for Mr. Traynor and one or two other fund managers, refers to me as Mr. Roth."
Jewell nodded her understanding. She recognized from the start the formal air he seemed to exude. He was respected and demanded respect by his very nature. A sign of that respect would be how people addressed him. It came as no surprise to her the formality was his expectation.
"Out there," he signed, "I would prefer you call me Mr. Roth. Especially when speaking at meetings or with others. But in here, when it is just the two of us, feel free to call me by my name."
A sense of private intimacy crept into the room. The space between them shrank even further. Jewell drew in a slow breath and cursed the heat she felt in her cheeks.
"Do you prefer Ben or Benjamin?"
She felt, more than saw, his gaze fall to her lips as she mouthed the names to accompany the finger spelling. Again, his eyes darkened and his lids slid slightly lower. Concentrated energy spanned the desk to bombard Jewell, its power hitting her chest like a hammer. Dear God! She had to build a resistance to those eyes. He could melt iron with them.
"Call me Benjamin," he said.
"Benjamin," she repeated.
His rich brown eyes closed abruptly and Jewell thought for a moment she heard a soft moan in his throat. Benjamin twisted his chair slightly towards the bookshelf along the wall and didn't open his eyes until his motion stopped. She didn't move as he took a deep breath. He turned back to her.
"That is all I have for now. I have some things to go over before the meeting. Get started on the research."
Jewell nodded and stood. Something just happened but she didn't know what. His face was a plastic mask. He watched her stand and they both nodded in farewell before she walked to the adjoined room. Once outside his vision, Jewell's shoulders dropped and she sighed. She would have to limit herself to short doses of Benjamin Roth until she was able to build up immunity to his effects.