Page 1 of Beast: Part One
Chapter ONe
How it Started
Five Years Earlier…
“You fucking slut.” my sister’s high-pitched voice pulls me out of my foggy sleep.
I open my eyes and the blaring sunlight from the open blinds causes them to water. Closing my lids, I try to rub the blurriness away. I’d only been sleep for an hour. The nightmares were bad last night, and I was entirely too sober to deal with them.
“It’s too early for this shit, Rai,” I whine as I sink my head back into my pillow.
It’s been a full day and a half since I got high. The early signs of withdrawal are starting to creep up. My pillow is soaked from sweat and I’m exhausted. However, even if I was high, I wouldn’t want to wake up to my overly dramatic sister screaming at me.
“I can’t believe you, Summer.” Her teary voice tells me something is different about this wake up.
I’m used to being shouted at by Raina for any slight inconvenience. I’m staying at her place, and she likes to remind me of that. But she doesn’t usually cry when she’s chewing me out about something.
Sitting up in the small twin bed, the room spins before I can focus. If I don’t find some blow or pills, this day is only going to get worse.
When my head finally stops spinning, I look toward the doorway to find my very pregnant sister in her pink kitten scrubs standing beside her asshole boyfriend. I know immediately what’s going on.
“What did he tell you?” I ask Raina.
She swipes a hand under her brown eyes. Even though at twenty-three, I’m the oldest by three years, many people always assume she was. Probably because she’s 5’7” and towers over my 5’3” height.
“I told her the truth,” Mitch yells from behind her. The black eye I gave him last night is swollen and nearly closed shut.
I roll my eyes at him. Mitch hasn’t told the truth a day in his life, I don’t even think he knows what the word means.
“You tried to get my boyfriend to sleep with you?” Raina scoffs.
Those that truly knew me, would know that was a lie. My best friend, Trina, would laugh her ass off at the accusation if she were here. I’m many things— most of them not good—but I’m not a soulless whore that would try to tempt her sister’s lowlife boyfriend to my bed. Even I have standards.
“Is that what he told you?”
“Of course, that’s what I told her, it’s the truth,” Mitch continues to sell the lie.
I glare at the asshat that got my sister pregnant. I don’t judge people, I’m in no place to do so. However, everyone knows that Mitchell Kane can’t keep his dick in his pants. At the moment, he has three other girls pregnant. My sister doesn’t know about any of them. I tried to tell her once, and it ended in an argument where she called me a jealous crackhead.
I figured if she wanted to play Boo Boo the Fool, why should I discourage her.
“Let me get this right,” I say, throwing the covers back and sitting on the side of the bed. “I came on to you, but you ended up with a black eye?”
Raina looks over her shoulder at him. I wonder did that even register to her, or did she automatically believe the worst of me, like our mother.
Mitch stumbles over his excuse. “You got mad when I turned your skank ass down, so you hit me.” Clearly not hard enough.
My mouth drops open, there is no way she can believe that. Yet, when she turns back to me, I immediately know she does. I laugh, not at the situation, but at how I’ve always been considered the dumb one in the family.
I could tell Raina the truth. I could explain to her, that from the day I moved in here two weeks ago, Mitch has been trying to fuck me. I’ve turned him down every time. Last night, after she went to work, he got drunk and got a little forceful. The black eye was my reminder to him that no means not in a million fucking years.
“Are you seriously laughing right now?” Raina shouts.
Tucking my lips in, I shake my head no.
“I can’t believe you’re joking about this,” she whines.