Page 104 of Beast: Part One
“Come on, Gabe.” I grab my son’s hand and rush out of the kitchen to hide.
For the rest of the day, I spent my time with Gabe and Gabriel. We played games, watched movies, and ate every meal together at my table. Everything else from the day skipped my mind.
I’m on a high. Although, I know it’s a false high. I’ve experienced many of those during my drug use stage. It’s that fake euphoric feeling as if you are floating above the clouds. Eventually, I will plummet back to earth. And even though I know this, I still allow myself to float.
chapter Twenty-six
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. From his laughter to her smile, I can’t get them out of my head.
This ache in my chest whenever I’m not near them was never meant to happen. I wasn’t even planning on seeing them. Yet, every time I’m outside of the house I fight myself not to go back.
“You will mess it up,” Mother reminds me in my head.
I shut my eyes as the reminder settles in my chest. My hand tightens on the steering wheel causing the leather of my gloves to squeak.
The moan in the back seat brings me out of my head. I glance in the rear-view mirror and adjust it so that I can see my passenger.
The next stop I made the night I met Summer was at the diner. Despite what the benefactor thinks, I did take some precautions that night. The diner didn’t have a camera system, but the place across from it did. I deleted the footage of me and Summer walking in and out the restaurant that night. The only other place I had to delete footage from was the shop I bought the shoes and scarf from.
However, even though I deleted the footage of the diner, I didn’t need it to track down everyone that was there that night. Apparently after we left, Henry Parks, the owner and cook from that night, called the police. The police took the statements of everyone there along with their name and information.
That’s how I found Cody Hampton. The cheater from the diner.
He groans from the back seat of the car. The sedative I gave him is wearing off.
I found him out to eat with another woman that wasn’t his wife. After cutting all the cameras in and around the restaurant, I slipped a pill in his whiskey sour before the waiter brought it to the table.
When he stumbled into the bathroom about fifteen minutes later, I snuck him out the back door and into my borrowed car. All without anyone noticing.
I pull the sedan into the garage at my apartment building. After turning off the car and hopping out of the driver’s seat, I go around to the back door and lift him out. He puts up a weak fight.
Tossing him over my shoulder in a fireman carry, I walk into my kill room. Leaning him up against the wall, I chain his arms and legs to the cuffs bolted into the cement.
His head rolls around his shoulders, the dosage of meds I gave him were light. I made sure he would be awake for this part. When he looks up at me, he seems to focus a little.
“Who are you?”
I don’t answer. Instead, I go over to my shelves and grab my tools for the night. A framing nail gun, a meat cleaver, a blow torch, a box of 16 gauge 1 ½ inch nails, and an ice pick. Once I’m done gathering my supplies. I roll the cart over toward Cody.
“Hey, do you hear me talking to you? Who the fuck are you?”
Once my cart is in place, I grab a metal folding chair on the other side of the room and carry it back to Cody.
“Wait,” he says, when I’m in front of him again. “I know you. I’ve seen you before. The night at the diner. It was you.”
“The adulterer remembers you,” Mother says. “The good book says the adulterer should be put to death.”
Unfolding the chair, I place it down and then take a seat. I still haven’t responded to his questions. My answers don’t matter. He won’t live past tonight.
I grab the nail gun off the cart along with the box of nails and load it up. The gun is rigged so that the safety is off. I don’t have to press against anything to fire off a nail.
“What are you going to do with that?” Cody asks.
I glance up at him. His arms stretched out over his head and his legs are spread apart making him form an X shape against the wall.