Page 114 of Beast: Part One
“You need to feed,” Mother states the obvious. “This isn’t going to help you. let me guide you.”
Despite the small voice of reasoning telling me that I shouldn’t, I don’t refuse.
“Yes, Mother.”
Placing my hood over my head, I walk out of the apartment. The moment I step out the door, the older lady in the apartment beside me quickly ducks her head back inside.
“She’s called the cops. Did you see the phone in her hand?” Priest asks.
This apartment is now compromised. I won’t be able to come back here. The moment she called the cops and gave my description, Lucien will pick up on it and they will be here first thing tomorrow.
I know my brothers and Priest are worried about me. I would be too if one of them took missing. The least I can do is let them know I’m okay. I head back into the destroyed apartment. I have a few seconds to leave them a message.
chapter Twenty-Eight
Baby Daddy
Three days. I haven’t heard from or seen Gabriel in three days. I admit, I was so pissed at him that first day. How dare he call us a distraction. But the longer I thought about it, I realized that to someone like Gabriel we are.
He’s the type that sees a problem and solves it. Him going after the people that found us is easy for him. Killing is second nature to Gabriel. Showing emotions and caring for his son is not. He’s not used to dealing with us.
So even though what he said hurt me, I’m no longer angry with him. I don’t forgive him either though.
“How was it?”
I tune back to my date, looking over at him. When Andrew called and asked to take me to dinner and a show, I was excited. I’d never been to a play before. However, as excited as I was, I’ve been struggling to keep my thoughts anywhere but on Gabriel.
“It was really good. I loved the music.” The music was the only thing I remembered from the show.
We walk side by side as we leave the theater. Once again, the father of my child comes back to my mind. As hurt as I am about our last conversation, I can’t help but wonder if he’s okay. Is he safe? Where is he sleeping? Is he sleeping?
Andrew’s laughter cuts through my thoughts.
“Yeah, you should have seen it when the original cast performed it. It was incredible.”
Come on, Summer. You have a good man right here. Get your head in the game. My inner thoughts are right. As much as I care about Gabriel, he chose to run. Right now, Andrew is here, and I should be paying attention to him.
“You go to a lot of shows?” I ask, putting all my focus on him.
He grins and it’s adorable. “Yeah, I was a theater kid in high school.”
“Cool, I used to buy pot from a theater kid in high school. He had some good stuff.”
He laughs. “Man, I love your humor. You’re so authentic.”
I’m not sure what that means, but I guess it’s a compliment.
“Thanks,” I say.
We walk a little further chatting about random things. Suddenly I get the oddest feeling. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I glance over my shoulder, but no one seems to be paying attention to me. A few of the folks that caught the same show are walking behind us, but no one seems to be out of place.
“Are you okay?” Andrew asks. When I look at him, he’s glancing over his shoulder too.
“Yeah, I’m good.” I shake off the feeling.
“I’m not ready for the night to end,” Andrew admits as we head to the Subway station.