Page 131 of Beast: Part One
I unplug the phone from the computer and stuff it back in my pocket. I run down everything he said once again. At first I thought that maybe he had no idea of all the gems he revealed during our conversations. But now, I think he might be leaving breadcrumbs on purpose.
The mention of the rarity of my green eyes was a big giveaway. The benefactor is connected to me in some way. It further solidified my suspicion when I brought up Gabe not having my eye color and he mentioned not many did. I just have to figure out how he connects to me.
Moaning from behind me draws my attention back to Henry Parks, the diner owner. I turn back to face him. He’s nearly unrecognizable on the bed.
“Store what the benefactor said,” Mother says. “Finish your job.”
I do exactly as told, putting the conversation I just had to the back of my mind. Walking back to the bed, I pick up the hammer. With the claw side pointing down, I raise it over my head and bring it down.
I have work to do.
This issue with the ring and the benefactor is messing with my head. I don’t have enough answers to my questions and that’s slowing down my process. For that reason, I made a much bigger mess with Henry than I had planned. I called in a cleaning crew after I was done to take care of the problem. Afterwards, I quickly went to my apartment to shower first before going back home.
There were too many things still left undone. Although the benefactor isn’t an immediate threat, he’s still out there and I’m no closer to finding him than I was when he first called. And his warning tonight about a ticking clock had me even more on edge. Whoever it is the benefactor keeps warning me about, is getting closer. I have a feeling if I don’t figure this out soon, I am going to have a war on my hands.
“You will lose them in this war,” Mother says. “They aren’t built for it. You will fail them again, just like you did once before.”
Her words stop me in my tracks as I stand at the back patio door. I shut my eyes, fighting my thoughts.
“Why do you even try,” Mother continues, her voice growing deeper. “You should just kill them now and put them out of their misery. They will both die in the end.” It’s no longer mother’s voice in my head.
This voice is darker, more sinister. It isn’t new to me. I first heard it when I was a child. It’s the voice that I keep trapped in the darkest recesses of my mind. The voice that only comes out when I am at my weakest and lowest.
“No,” I snap at the voice in my head. “You are not in control.”
“Look where you are, Gabriel,” the voice growls.
I open my eyes and realize I am no longer outside on the patio. I am now standing in the kitchen. My duffle bag clutched in one hand and the other hand inside the bag. I yank my hand out of the bag and drop it at my feet.
The clanking noise startles Summer as she walks into the kitchen.
“Jeez,” she gasps, placing a hand to her chest. “You scared me.” She offers me a beautiful smile, before heading to the stove. “I was just about to make some tea. You want some?”
Just the sight of Summer, has my thoughts clearing. I can feel that sinister voice being shoved back into the furthest parts of my mind. The tension in my shoulders and chest immediately fades away. All the worries and fears I carried to this house are washed away with her presence. She is my sanctuary.
Without saying a word, I walk up behind her. She’s wearing the black hoodie I gave her with fuzzy slippers like she does on most nights.
The restraint I’ve been maintaining the last few weeks flies out of the window. For once, I need her to chase my demons away.
Logic is screaming at me to walk away. This could be dangerous. The way I’m craving Summer could cause me to not be gentle. But logic won’t win tonight. The beast needs to feed, but it only wants to sate its appetite with what’s between Summer’s thighs.
I press against her back, roaming my hand from her hips to the front of her. I slip my hand underneath the hoodie and into her panties. I find her nub and stroke it slowly.
“Gabriel, what are you…” her words die on her tongue as I stroke her faster. She widens her legs, giving me more access to her.
Taking that as a sign, I slip a finger into her tight heat. She’s wet, but not nearly as soaking as she was the other morning. The books explain that her lack of wetness means she’s not ready for me yet.
Turning her around to face me, I look down into her half-closed eyes.
“Do you want me to stop?” I ask, as I tug the hoodie up her hips to her chest. Although, it might physically kill me, I would stop for her.
She doesn’t answer right away. From the moment I first saw Summer I’ve been able to read her like a book. Her expressions are so open that even I can decipher them. I can see the hesitation in her eyes. Yet the desire has her mouth open and her breathing ragged.
Finally, she lifts her arms over her head allowing me to pull off the hoodie. I toss the fabric behind me. I gave her the only chance of turning back, she will not get another.
She stands before me in her pink silk camisole and matching underwear. She has a lot of these. She wears them to bed every night driving me crazy, taunting me to misbehave. Tonight, she will win.