Page 134 of Beast: Part One
A smile slips across my face. She lays her hands across my chest and rest her chin on top.
“Why do you ask that?”
She wasn’t wrong, but I needed to know how she knew.
She shrugs. “I’m starting to be able to read you a little better. I think your weird magic trick is rubbing off on me.”
I chuckle at the old joke from that night five years ago. Wiping a hand across her freckles I sober up.
“Tonight, I had to battle with some old demons.” That was as much as the truth I was willing to tell her.
She frowns creating a crease between her brows. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m good.”
“Good, now come on.” She sits up, straddling my waist. Her center right on my pelvis. I ignore the heat of her pussy so close to my cock. “We need to get up and put clothes on. One of us was rather loud and possibly woke our son up.”
“Maybe you should keep it down next time.”
She sticks out her tongue at me before standing. I climb to my feet too. I quickly grab my jeans off the floor. The ring I took from Timothy falls out of my pocket onto the floor. Before I can grab it, Summer picks it up and looks at it.
“I need that back,” I say reaching for it.
She lifts her head and cocks a brow at me. “I never took you for a royal asshole.”
Her words catch me off guard, but I quickly recover. “You know what that symbol is?”
“Well, not really. But I use to work at this upscale club in Manhattan. The owner was part of this very secret society type group. He also had a ring like this.”
She holds up the ring to me. “We heard him refer to the group as The Royals one time, so we nicknamed them the royal assholes. Once a month they would come into the club and take up the entire VIP section. We always hated it when they came in because they were rich snobs. And despite what people think, rich people like that are the worse tippers.”
“Summer,” I place my hands on her shoulders. “Focus. What club was this?”
“It’s called O’ Cleary’s.”
Finally, I had a breakthrough with this ring. Even the partial name she gave me was helpful. If that club was still up and running, I had at least one more avenue to search. My doubts from earlier seem like a distant memory.
After grabbing the ring out of her hand and sticking it back in my pocket, I pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist.
“Where are we going?” She chuckles.
“For round two,” I grin.
She shakes her head and bites into her bottom lip but doesn’t deny me. I walk her upstairs and into our bedroom where I crawl back between her thighs for three more rounds.
chapter thirty-two
We Be Clubbin
“You and Mr. James are spoiling my son,” I say to Trina through our facetime call.
It’s been five days since the night Gabriel came home fighting his demons. The man sexed me so good that night, I forgot all about my plans to not sleep with him.
When he first pressed up against me, it was on my mind to turn him down. To explain to him how sex would not be a good idea. However, when he turned me to face him, I saw that look in his eyes. I knew he was fighting something. Whatever it was, I knew he needed me to quiet it down at the time. And like a fool I obliged.
Well, I’m paying for it now. Since that next morning, he’s been MIA. I have no idea where he is during most of the day. He leaves early in the morning and gets back so late at night I’m not sure the sun isn’t touching the sky when he arrives.