Page 14 of Beast: Part One
He crowds my space, placing his large body up against mine. He wraps his hand around my throat, but he doesn’t squeeze. I swallow, and I imagine he can feel the movement underneath his palm.
“Don’t hurt me,” I plead.
Yes, I know this is a big jump from my last statement. But hell, have you ever stared up at the devil before.
“Never try that again.”
“Okay,” I answer quickly.
I have no idea if he’s warning me against throwing something at him or running, but in this moment, I will agree to anything.
He doesn’t let me go immediately. Instead, he continues to watch me, his attention solely on my face as if he’s found something interesting about it. He stares so long I start to feel uncomfortable. It isn’t until someone squeals right outside the door that he releases me.
Gabriel steps back, shaking his head as if he’s dislodging thoughts.
“You don’t have time to change. Wait here.” He turns away from me and heads to the narrow door on the other side of the room.
“What am I waiting on?” I call out to his back.
He stops at the door without turning to look at me. “His regular masseuse won’t be able to make it tonight. But he doesn’t know that.” he turns to glare over his shoulder at me. “So, make him comfortable.”
With those words, he disappears behind the door and I contemplate running again. That thought only lingers for a few seconds before the door to the private room opens. In steps a tall well-dressed man in a suit. His dark brown hair is gelled back off his head. He has yet to notice me.
“I told you I don’t give a shit what the voters think. I’ve already been elected. My morals lie with the highest bidder and right now, his money is winning. Besides, what the hell are they going to do with more school funding?” He pulls up short when he spots me. His blue eyes raking up and down my body.
“Jim, I have to go. Set up the meeting for tomorrow.” He hangs up the phone placing it in his pocket. “Where’s Kim?”
I don’t know who the hell Kim is. But thankfully I’m quick on my feet and have years of lying under my belt.
“She called in sick today, and they asked me to take her spot.”
Could I have told him about Gabriel and maybe have him get me out of here? Sure. However, being in Gabriel’s presence for an hour has shown me that he’s fast on his feet, good at what he does, and probably doesn’t take kindly to being betrayed. And just two seconds of meeting this guy showed me that he’s a sleezy politician, and most likely wouldn’t help me. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t, right?
He scoffs. “They replaced my Kim for some junky black girl with a bad weave.”
Rude. I look down my body at myself as if I don’t agree with his assessment of me.
Cocking my hip, I ask with a neck roll, “Do you want the massage or not?”
One of the things I’ve learned from my best friend over the years is that confidence can get you a long way in this world. The other thing she taught me is pussy is pussy. A man can talk about preference all day, but when it comes to getting his dick wet, he will stick it in anything warm and available.
Mr. Politician squints while wrinkling his nose in disgust. “You better not fuck this up.” He says undoing his tie and walking past me to the massage table.
Immediately relief hits me. I have no idea why I was fighting to pull this off. I’m officially aiding a serial killer. There is clearly a life sentence in my future.
Glancing over to the door, I once again contemplate leaving. Surely Gabriel wouldn’t risk exposing himself to the politician. With my mind made up, I head in the direction of my freedom.
“Where’re you going?” Mr. Politician asks.
I spin around on my heels only to come face to face with a naked man. When did he take off his clothes? I take a step back.
“Get your ass back over here and start with my usual.”
“Your usual?”
“Smallest to largest,” he says pointing at the variety of dildos on the tray. “And I like a lot of lube.”
My stomach heaves, and this time it has nothing to do with withdrawals. This was my cue to get the hell out of there.