Page 149 of Beast: Part One
I lean my head against the stone wall behind me looking at the work I’ve done. Last night I found Jayson (Jay) Coats, Antonio (Tony) Parker, Amir (Tiny) Masters, and Demarcus (Dee) Masters. The four men that found Summer in the diner that night.
It took me three days to collect them all. Now, their entrails and body parts help decorate this mausoleum.
I’ve officially killed everyone that could possibly point out Summer from that night. It took me over a month to do it but she’s safe.
Climbing to my feet, I place the Queen and the rook on the shelf at the back of the vault. I know Priest and the guys will find this. The groundskeeper saw me coming in tonight. I’m pretty sure he’s going to report this. I need to let Priest know I’m okay.
Despite what this looks like, I haven’t gone off the deep end. Although mother is still vocal, my head is clear for the first time ever. And I know why.
Glancing at my watch, my heart picks up an extra beat. It’s not too late. Summer will still be up when I get back.
I pick up the bucket I carried the body parts in and my duffle and head out of the crypt. I close the door behind me glancing at the name etched into the marble over the door. Corbyn.
After doing research on the name, I found out that the surname Corbyn is one of the oldest in the world. Also on the list with Corbyn, were the surnames O’Cleary and Smith. Matthew O’Cleary owned the club we went to a week ago. And Timothy Smith was the guy that had the cop killed by the Church.
There is a connection here. The inscription on Timothy’s ring comes to mind; 1 of 10. I’m starting to think the Royal Crown has something to do with family ties, especially with these three families.
By decorating this mausoleum, I’m sending a message. One I knew would get to the right person.
Popping the trunk to the stolen Jeep, I place the bucket in the back on top of the plastic tarp. After climbing into the driver’s seat, my phone goes off in my pocket. I pull it out glancing at the number.
“It’s been a minute,” I say to the person on the other end of the line.
“You’re off task, Beastie,” the benefactor says. “What are you doing? You’re supposed to be cleaning up the mess you left behind.”
I sit back in my seat. He’s angry, the growl in his voice tells me I’m right. It reminds me of how Priest speaks when me or my brothers mess up. He’s not happy with me.
“My mess is clean. The last of that night has been dealt with.”
There is silence on the other end of the phone, but I know he hasn’t hung up. I remain silent as well, waiting for him to speak again.
“Don’t start digging under rocks…”
“Or I’ll attract the wrong person?” I finish for him. “Right, Maksim?”
He’s silent again.
I started to assume that there was a connection to the benefactor and the Royal Crown after talking to Timothy. They both had the same knowledge of the Church and the same attitude toward it.
Finding the guys at the club with the same tattoos that also mentioned a rogue brother, further convinced me. The assumption of the benefactor being the rogue brother Maksim was a leap, but I’m convinced I’m right.
His chuckle comes through the phone. “You’re smarter than they said you were.”
“I guess we’re both full of surprises,” I counter.
“A bit of advice, be careful when you kick a hornet’s nest, when they swarm, they attack everyone around you.”
His threat was clear. He once before made it known that he would not involve women and children in his affairs, however who ever he’s running from has no problem bringing Summer and Gabe into this.
I still needed to know one last thing.
“Is that your way of telling me you’ve made your decision?”
Another moment of silence.
“No, I’m still undecided.”
This time when the phone goes silent, I know he’s hung up. His words linger with me. I had no doubt that going after whoever this Corbyn person is will cause some backlash. I’m prepared for it.