Page 167 of Beast: Part One
Mitch’s brow’s pinch in confusion. “And what is that?”
“Well, I can’t beat your kid’s ass. So, I wanted him to bring me his bitch ass father.”
My last statement changed the dynamics. All the laughter is swiped off their faces. Red shirt widens his stance. For a minute I think I might’ve been wrong, and he might throw the first punch. However, that’s short lived when Mitch cocks his hand all the way back and swings it at me.
I saw the hit coming from yesterday, yet I allowed him to throw the first punch. It lands on my chin and had I not been looking at it, I wouldn’t have known he’d hit me.
A slow grin lifts my lips into a smile.
“Whip his ass, Kid.”
For this lesson, I allow Priest in my head instead of mother. When my fist connects with Mitch’s face, he crumbles to the ground. Just as I thought, red shirt swings second. However, I easily dodged that blow. I only needed one person to start the fight to prove self-defense. Stepping back, I grab the arm he swung at me, lifting it up over his head, I send a powerful blow to his ribcage. The cracking sound echoes over the backyard. The following ooh’s from his friends adds to the atmosphere.
Striped shirt steps up next. I don’t even let him swing before chopping him in the throat. He bends forward. I grab the back of his head and shove his face into my knee. He screams out. When I lift his head back up blood is pouring out of his misshaped nose. White tank takes off running leaving shades guy alone.
Shades guy tosses up his hands in surrender. “I don’t want any problems, big guy.”
I dip my chin at him. Gabe runs in front of me and wraps his arms around my knees. “That was awesome, Hulk.”
Pride feels me, but it is soon replaced by rage when I see Mitch toss a chair across the yard at me. I have only seconds to grab it out of the air before it hits my son.
Immediately, Priest disappears in my head and mother appears. “Time to play. And make it hurt.”
Tossing the chair to the side, I step out of Gabe’s embrace as I charge at Mitch. He tries to run, but I’m on him before he can get away.
I slam into him, knocking him to the ground. I stand over him, grab the front of his shirt, rear my arm back and then punch him in the face, repeatedly. Even when he goes limp in my hands, I continue to pound my fist into his mangled face. All I see is that chair flying through the air and if I had been a second too late it would have hit Gabe. Anger and rage cloud my thoughts as my fist flies through the air.
“Don’t stop. You are the Lord’s wrath. He is the serpent,” Mother whispers in my head.
“Yes, Mother.”
I was in the thick of the haze. This was dangerous around so many people. Even though I knew this, I couldn’t drag myself out of it. The voice of Priest in my head was so faint I could barely hear him.
A soft touch on my arm, had me pausing my fist in mid strike.
“What are you doing? Finish him,” Mother demands.
Before I could attempt to swing again, an angel speaks.
“Gabriel, baby, that’s enough. It’s done.”
I turn my head to the sound of the angel, but I’ve yet to see her face.
“Ignore the call of the wicked. Do your job,” Mother shouts.
I turn back to the bloody and bruised body beneath me.
“No, Gabriel. I’m here. Come back to me,” the angel speaks again.
I shake my head, wanting to clear my thoughts so that I could be with the angel. Mother screams in my mind as I force her away.
Finally, the fog clears. I’m in Summer’s mother’s back yard. Terrified faces surround me. But I search for the only two that matter. I find the first staring back at me. Big hazel eyes with no fear in them. He smiles at me when he notices me looking at him. I dip my chin before turning to find my peace.
Her smile is contagious.
“Hey,” I say, dropping Mitch to the ground and standing up straight to face Summer.
“Are you okay?” She scans my body up and down as if she’s checking for injuries.